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Cy could move a lot quicker now that Lupa had dried his robes. So his agile self glided away from the Staff table (and away from the scary loud old man) towards his own house table. There was the Captain… as he didn’t know her in any other way, and she was with some younger girl. Cy saluted the two, as he usually did to people and continued to walk on.
OOOOH. There was that Lyra girl too, and she was still wet. Cy shined his mischievous smile that seemed to never fade and slid into a spot directly in front of her. “Lyra, Lyra, Lyraa. Long time no see mate,” He said, jokingly, “I see you've recovered from earliah'" He said with a laugh, he'd given her some troubles.
Lyra raised a brow when she heard the weeee lil' voice of the Australian, Cyrus. He may have been cute, but he was a naughty little thing for jumping on her back and getting her wet, not that she would get wet anyway but...he started it.
"If your inquiring about the scent of squid and lake on top of the green slimy stuff that is not clinging to me anymore, then you are correct," she said as she turned up her nose a little, but this kid was fun to play with and he was cute annndddd he was a boy. There were few that she would get mad at and she was not going to start with the little Hufflepuffian.
"I'm...glad to see you made it out okay." There that was her good deed for the evening, none the less.
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D.A Forever
Taking only a quick peek up at the Staff table, Katie moved swiftly towards the table of black and gold, badgers already seated as commanded not even a moment ago. She did not need to be told twice, the Potions master was scary! Plopping herself down immediately, as soon as she reached an empty spot on the bench, the first year looked around her at the other Hufflepuff's. There was Cy, but he was the only one she recognized by name. The others were obviously familiar too, she just hadn't met them properly. And now definitely was not the time for that. Again, do NOT cross mister grumpy Potions master. EVER. "Is he always that scary?" Katie asked in a murmur to the older girl she happened to plop herself down by, taking a deep breath to soothe her nerves. "What's going on anyway?"
Lyra smiled as another firstie seemed to join them. What cute curls the girl had as Lyra was not fond of the curls in her hair. But the seventh year, classy girl couldn't help but smirk at the comment the girl made. OH she could play with this one.
Her eyes looked pathetically up to the staff table as the fear began to grow. "Yes," she whispered, leaning into the table. "He is
always scary and...if you don't do what he asks..." she paused to lower her voice even more. "He will turn you into a pig and you will have to go home and explain to your parent, in Pig-gian, what happened to you."
She looked back to the first year and couldn't help but play serious. She couldn't stand Kwazimoto, Old Man Krazi. If the man demanded respect from all students, then he needed to prove himself worthy of her R-E-S-P-E-C-T. "By all means, Don't.Make.Him.Mad."
If that didn't scare them then...
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Robert walked into the Great Hall again after a quick jaunt to get some fresh air. Everyone was pushing him for information and all he wanted was for it to not be mentioned. Not even bothering to look toward his own table he walked over to the Huffie table and sat down next to Lyra ignoring the boy who was talking to her. "What is he going on about?" he askked with a not toward the podium and the professor who had been speaking.
OH Yes! Rob could help her. "The dungeons are flooded and he feels the need to overpower all students in the school," she smarted off at a whisper. "I was just explaining to the little first years here just how scary that old man can be." She began nodding her head yes in direct way as her eyes stared back and forth between each Huffie student.