Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Professor Svensson was not one to cower in fear very often. But then again, there was not a voice throughout the whole of Hogwarts summoning him to the Great Hall very often. So although he practically sprinted to the Great Hall from his office and actually did sprint from the doors of the great hall to the dias... if he had been a dog, Lars would have his head down and his tail between his legs. Thankfully, however, Lars Svensson was not a dog. He was a professor.
Upon reaching the dias, Lars Svensson quickly sat in the empty seat next to Professor Bunbury. Panting slightly, Lars looked over at Professor Kazimeriz in slight confusion. Why the staff was gathering, he did not know. Perhaps something was awry in the castle.
Last edited by Waddles; 05-29-2009 at 04:39 AM.
Reason: I forgottt