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The professor nodded her head. Boy did they ever. It was as if they studied the art of driving professors mad. "Well any demerits you hand out, I'm sure will be deserved. No one could ever doubt your fairness Anna." She said.
Advice, huh? Well that sounded like more than just your average idol chit chat. "I'd be happy to help you in any way I can." She said. And she meant it.
Anna glanced around the hut as more and more people filed in. This was definitely not the time to talk with the professor about advice for life after graduation. Poor Professor Morgan was really busy at the moment with a hut full of students. Perhaps it would be easier on the professor for Anna to come back a bit later on in the school year when things in the hut weren't so busy. Then again, were things for professors ever
not busy? Anna didn't know for sure, but she imagined her teachers didn't get much free time.
"Thank you, Professor Morgan. I look forward to talking to you about my future endeavors; however, I think perhaps later would be a more appropriate time," Anna said, standing up and smoothing out her skirt. She laughed softly, then said, "I see you're quite the popular professor, for sure. I'll keep a watch on the hut, and when I see that you aren't so busy, I'll come back, for sure. I hope have a nice day, and I'll see you in class." Anna turned and smiled to her fellow schoomates, then headed for the door.
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[COLOR="#DC143C"]Simone smiled sheepishly at Anna. She was a very nice girl, though was still surprised that a seventh year would even consider talking to her. But this was a different school, and definatly not as snooty as Beauxbaton's was. "Its nice to see you again as well Anna. I am very much enjoying Hogwarts, the people are very excepting here."
She smiled and thought for a moment before she answered. She couldnt give to much away. "I am doing great. I am very, very happy. How are you?" She quickly glanced up at Professor Morgan, and back to Anna
She stopped just before the door to briefly finish her conversation with Simone. "I'm glad you're having a good time, Simone. People at Hogwarts
are quite nice, aren't they?" she asked, not really expecting an answer. "I'm doing just fine, too. Thank you for asking. I've got to run now...I have some homework and studying to do for a few of my classes. I'll see you around, though." Turning to wave goodbye to Jake, Anna once again headed for the door to the hut, this time leaving out and heading back to her Common Room.