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Cari marched back to Professor Kazimeriz. She stood toe to toe with him. "My beside manner is no worse than your student counselling skills or empathy," she hissed. "And as I told absolutely everyone in the hall, the matter is not up for negotiation. It's a health related matter now, and I do have the authority, and you will take the potion. You will take it now in front of these students, setting a good example, or I will force it on you, just as I forced it on Mr. Masterson."
She didn't care if he called her a lady with that creepy sarcastic undertone. though ironically, it certainly made him no gentleman. He wasn't going to get her to back down and relinquish the one shred of authority she had.
"And you're lucky," she continued, "I don't insist on examining you, given your age and your bad hip after wading in that water for so long. But I'll give you twenty-four hours to appear in hospital wing before I hunt you down and examine you wherever you happen to be, including teaching a lesson."
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"Hmm, mmhmmm," Bunbury made a noncommital noise in the back of her throat and turned away from Truebridge, heading back to her teapot. She wasn't wet and she wasn't about to stand around and watch wet people hug other wet people just ewwwwwwwwww.
She made it back to Kazimeriz and calmly watched the man react to the hug. Ahh well, it had been a tender moment while it had lasted. Shame no Yearbook photographers had been around to capture his face. Bwahahaa.
"No, not that I am aware of, sir," Anastasia answered him quickly. She was, of course, oddly pleased to see him angry at the Healer but the man's bitterness seemed to go beyond just seeing her....ah....working her wiles. Interesting.
"Please have some tea, Professor, it's warm and fresh and I made it myself. It can work wonders beyond just some...pepperup potion..." she practically sneered the last two words and pushed a teacup toward him. Wouldn't want her vilest ally against that Tart dying, now would she?
But just then that stupid nurse had to march over and Anastasia decided to make her exit, glaring at the woman just once as she took a teacup away from the table.
Kazimeriz listened to Cari's latest rant and then idly ambled toward the teacup that Bunbury had offered.
"Thank you, Professor Bunbury. I would be pleased to have some of your tea." Professor Kazimeriz said just loud enough for the departing herbology professor to hear. He picked up the cup and sipped it, eyeing Caroline as though daring him to do otherwise. When he finished his long, luxurious sip- and its warmth
did do wonders for the old man, no lie - he turned to her.
"As I told you before. I will take pepperup potion when it is appropriate to do so. If you have an issue with my judgment in this matter I shall speak to you privately out of the student's earshot, for my health concerns are none of their affair. Or did you miss the lecture on healer-patient confidentiality as well?" Kazimeriz stared her down, his dark eyes flat and expressionless.
"I believe you have students to tend to. Miss Avalon." He sipped his tea.