here's today's post... No Hogwarts!
Sara sat quietly and ate her lunch while the Ron, Ginny, Harry and Hermione talked while they ate.
“Sara dear you alright?” asked Molly
“yes Mrs.Weasley, just listening,” she said and continued eating
“mum,” Ron said slowly
“um…Harry, Hermione and myself have decided not to go back to Hogwarts,” he said slowly and carefully
“Harry, Hermione is this true?”
And they nodded silently
“what has gone wrong with you kids? Harry, you wanted to be an auror didn’t you? How do you expect to become one when you don’t give your NEWTs?”
“Mrs.Weasley, I…”
“Hermione! I didn’t expect you to be backing out! What do you think your parents will say? I know you are an ambitious girl and how do you expect to get a job in Ministry if you don’t attend NEWTs?”
“Mum, calm down, listen to them,” said Ginny
Molly shot daggers at her but sat silently
“Mrs. Weasley,” started off Hermione
“we know that it is impossible to get a job if we don’t do our NEWTs but we didn’t want to go back,” she said softly
“mum, it holds too many memories for us to bear,” said Ron placing his hand on Hermione’s
“Mrs. Weasley that’s why we took up the complementary exam that Professor McGonagall told us about. It was for those people who still studied last year on their own and who didn’t want to waste their extra year. We took the books and talked to our professors and gave the exam,” said Harry
Molly looked at them wide eyed. She was shocked
“the exam took place 2 weeks back. We attended it. All those night outs at Gorge’s apartment was for studying and Hermione hasn’t met her parents again after she brought them back from Australia,” said Harry
“oh my, God,” she said her hands over her mouth
“but why didn’t you tell me about it”
“we wanted to surprise you when our results would come,” said Ron
“but we thought we should tell you before you could sense something is wrong when we wont get our letters from the school,” said Hermione
Molly just sat there quietly.
“oh come on, mum don’t be angry with them and moreover you will be seeing them more often then me,” said Ginny
“I will be stuck in school till Christmas,” she said pouting and Harry just smiled looking at her
“but I have Sara with me, so we both can have fun,” she continued brightening up and Sara nodded.
Afternoon passed by and then came evening. Arthur Weasley arrived just in time for dinner and saw Sara.
“may I get introduced to this pretty young woman?” asked Arthur
“dad, this is Sara Mehra, my friend who will be joining Hogwarts with me”
“Sara, my dad”
“nice to meet you sir”
“nice to meet you Sara” he said with a smile and sat down for the dinner.
At dinner table it was as usual with the Harry and Ron talking to Mr. Weasley while the girls chatted up with Molly. Sara quietly sat and ate and listened to others. After dinner the girls went back to their room when Ron came in to talk to Hermione and she went after him.
“well must have gone off to some snogging session, both off them,” said Ginny rolling her eyes and Sara just gave a small smile and sort of blushed slightly.
“is there anything wrong Sara?”
“then why are you so quiet all this while?”
“Sara if there is anything that you want to tell me, you can. Maybe I can help you out” and Sara just shook her head and got into her camp bed turned and slept. Ginny didn’t understand what’s wrong with Sara. Hermione came after sometime all smiles and Ginny knew what would have happened and they both talked for a while and then slept. Sara on the other hand couldn’t sleep the entire night. She lay awake when rays of sun peeped through the window. She got up before both the girls. She saw a book lying on the study table. It was Guide to advanced Transfiguration. She assumed it to be Hermione’s. She pulled the chair sat and down to read it.
Last edited by harita; 04-09-2010 at 04:14 AM.
Reason: Some Changes Made