Thread: Boys Dormitory
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Old 05-28-2009, 10:48 AM   #7 (permalink)
Toshi Slughorn
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Toshi Slughorn
Seventh Year

Originally Posted by iheartdan View Post
Kel looked up when he heard someone greet...the 'guys'. "Hey," he said, sounding tired. He closed his book halfway through Chapter Two, and set the book down on the ground. he looked around at the others in the room and, figuring What the heck, introduced himself, muttering "Hey, I'm Keltan Micheals," before sitting up and turning around so that he was sitting the right way in his bed.

Well, as long as he was in here, he might as well make some guy friends, considering all his friends were girls - weird. Yeah, he was in need of guy friends. ...That was weird too. He was usually a one-man type of person.

"Hey Keltan. I´m Toshi. Toshi Slughorn. Sorry, didn`t want to interrupt your reading!" He looked at the book. "What book are you reading?", he asked interested. He really liked reading, well, he was a Ravenclaw!
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