Join Date: Jul 2003 Location: Never Neverland
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Felix Greenwood First Year x1
| DivaDivaDiva ||Candy Cane Mama|| Quote:
Originally Posted by Lockhartian "What?" Kaika's eyes widened. How on earth is a towel not coming off?! Was that even possible?!
Her head turned towards Vindictus, and then back at the girl, and then Vindictus, and then Paris again. What to do, what to do? The towel couldn't possibly be acting in such a way unless someone placed a spell on it. But who would place a spell on a towel?!
This was...weird. And...awkward. "I hope you don't mind me...trying" it was a good thing the girl had her robes on. Though, everyone should close their eyes, just in case, no?
And Kaika pulled as hard as she could...maybe the towel could loosen up a bit? Should she try a spell instead?
Of course, the girl had her eyes closed, there was no way in telling if she managed to get the towel off Paris or not. But she didn't feel like she was pulling anything anymore, even if she felt the towel in her hands. Maybe...it was just a piece of it that came off...she didn't want to open her eyes. "Is it...off, Paris?" she asked. If she hadn't been trying to stay alive she would have rolled her eyes at the huffie capitan trying to help her with her eyes closed. Victoria's secret wasn't that big. But she tugged on the towel and it wouldn't budge. She sucked in the last bit of air she had. "Still," pant. "stuck," she wanted to shake her to get her to open her eyes and cut her out of this killer towel, but she didn't have the strength. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Dominic nodded back politely when Vanessa greeted him. While they weren't on the best of terms, they had an agreement to be civil in the presence of others because they each had reputations to uphold. And neither would let silly quarrels ruin that. But how was he? Tough question.
Shrugging, because it was simple enough and told a lot, he chewed lightly on his lower lip. "Alright. And yourself?" Perhaps he should have left when he had the chance. Prying his eyes off his co-prefect, who he never fully realized how short she was, though knew she was small, Dominic flicked his focus instead on dark chocolate hair and lightly tanned skin.
Even though he was still slightly mad at her for dancing with the shopkeeper, he couldn't help but realize her beauty. Except that it was her voice - taunting almost - that broke his reverie and caused a flicker of innocent smile to play across his lips.
WHAT!?! Eleanor?! Who was that!? That was when it struck him the thing that he had forgotten that must have made Willow upset enough with him to call him by his last name. Frown quickly overtook his expression as he shook his head, staring disbelievingly at the Ravenclaw. Did she honestly think he had a thing for her best friend? "Uh... No..." Swallow. "I haven't seen her since Diagon Alley. But well, how's your fling with the shopkeeper there working out? You two seemed to be quite adorable." Barf. But his own retort to Willow had been broken by the voice of his captain, who kindly educated him on the name of the Gryffindor Captain. Wait... What!? Surely the girl must have heard him wrong. Both the Gryffindor AND the Slytherin Captain could not have been named Paris, because that would have been just too much ego on the pitch. Besides... Ugh, that meant, four females would be captains.
Dear Merlin. Help him.
Distracted by this new 'knowledge' of all captains being females, he completely missed her saying that he never listened. Ironic, huh? And help was what he would need, as the door creaked opened yet again... This time, entering the female Ravenclaw Prefect, Rachel. Where were all the males allowed in here? Had he somehow come upon the Girl's Bathroom, by mistake? No mistake, he was certain though that he was on the fifth floor and muttered a password to get in here. "Hello Rachel," the sixth year said back, distractedly, hardly noticing her politeness. Because really it was something that was always present in Rachel, so nothing really 'new'. Huh? What was that Kaika had been talking to Willow about? Hey wait a minute! When did Kaika and Willow become like best buds anyway? Dominic was sure that Willow had something against Hufflepuff Captains...
And was it just him or was Kaika looking at him when she mentioned some Opaleye breed of Dragon? Weird. Especially the looks she seemed to be tossing between him and Willow... As if she was expecting them to be closer or whatever? But why should he be? It wasn't like he received communication from her and she seemed quite content in the arms of the shopkeeper anyway. Regardless though, there were more pressing matters it seemed than just a simple matter of no communication between himself and the Ravenclaw Captain over the summer. Paris had managed to mutter thank you about the captaincy, but then that glare she was giving him... Like he had done something remotely wrong, when really all he did was enter a room that he was perfectly entitled to be in.
What?! She was blaming him now for her unable to breath because she wrapped a towel too tight around herself!? Oh Canaries! He didn't give a damn though what she was wearing, which was the ironic thing. "Uh..." Wait, what? What was he supposed to do? But then someone else burst in... A male, finally! But only this time... It was Professor Vindictus! Yup, now was definitely time to break free and run... Listening to his conversation with his two captains who still seemed be capable of speak, Dominic bit his lip when Kaika mentioned about transfiguration homework. An assignment he had not yet even thought about yet. Whoops! Clearly he was not in here for the same purpose as his captain, nor the Ravenclaw one. Waitt... What!? He was getting blamed for doing something to Paris because she was glaring at him!? But... He didn't do anything! And Honestly, why would/should Vindictus be breaking a Hufflepuff broom!? It wasn't his fault that Paris was a loony who seemed to think that any male who crossed her path would be finding her attractive. Mental case, she was. Apologize? For what!? And wait... What was the latter part of looking in the cupboards for the Headmaster? Staring at the Quidditch professor for a moment, like he'd lost his mind (which was perhaps likely), Dominic sighed resignedly.
If he didn't apologize, then Vindictus would probably dock a load of points. Something he didn't care to lose. But if he did, then it would really be an unnecessary blow to his pride, because he was totally innocent. How to explain that to Vindictus though? "I... Professor," he started weakly, the words barely audible through his suddenly dry throat. Swallowing to gain some moisture, he cleared his throat twice and then looked at Paris who seemed to be in need of serious help. "Um, well, please forgive me for intruding upon your bathtime." There... Close enough to an apology anyway. "Now, Professor Vindictus, do explain to me why we're looking for the Headmaster in a cupboard?" Dom asked, turning back towards the Quidditch professor. Wait... What? Kaika agreed that he was the main reason of Paris' outburst?! After Willow had attempted to defend him! Well this was hardly fair... And now he had to go help Vindictus search for the headmaster in some cupboard... Well wonder's never cease. He actually apologized to her. Paris wouldn't have caved. She would have rather served a detention than apologize to Dominic for anything. She gave him a weak smile and a dip of her head. She may not like him, but she wasn't Willow after all and sometimes you could be nice. She couldn't tell him thank you.
__________________ ♣♣To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower♣♣ 
♣♣Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour♣♣ |