Originally Posted by
Anna Banana Tray in hand, Anna walked up and down the length of the Slytherin house table. She was on the lookout for students who'd been effected by the flood but had yet to take the potion. At one end of the table, she happened upon two girls and a boy, all of whom she hadn't remembered taking the Pepperup. "Excuse me, have you three taken a dose of pepperup yet? If not, you'll need to take one now," she said. She looked down at all three, surveying them to make sure they were alright. "You lot are okay, yes?" she asked.
Still fascinated by the steam going out of his ears, he watched the two lemurs play with each other and he looked back towards the direction of the Entrance Hall every minute or so. A few people had came and he'd just realized that other people than Slytherins were in the dungeons too, and probably got soaked... a lot. Well he got soaked head to toe which was worse than some who had gotten out in time. Ohhhh he was just starting to wonder if he could be like hydrophobic or something after that.
And what the heck was he suppose to write to Juni after that incident? Bleh. Maybe she'd be happy he saved those lemurs, yeah. Yuuup. Probably... hopefully.
He was wondering about the Common Room... the dormitories. Shoot. All of his textbooks... his quills... his parchments and ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG... his most valuable possession; chocolate was GONE. But he could always borrow, right? Right? RIGHT? Suddenly he saw a familiar girl. Oh wait he
knew her.
"Annaaaa!" He walked towards her and noticed the tray. Well, what was he supposed to say now...
"Uhh, are we allowed to take seconds?" He only said that because of the steaaaam. But he was already warm enough. Would another one cause heat stroke? Hmm.
Originally Posted by Dru
Somehow, through all of the confusion of the common room flooding, Dru found herself at the Slytherin table. Well, she was less at the table, more under it.
She was sitting there in soaking wet robes, her knees held tightly against her chest, shivering, half from the cold and half from the fear that she was still holding onto. Of all the bad things that she considered happening at Hogwarts, almost drowning in her own common room was not one of them.
To top it all off, she didn't know if Diane or Cam had made it out in one, damp piece.
While more people talked to Anna, he figured that she should talk to them first. He was patient riiiight? ...well of course when it came to Anna and he looked around the Great Hall again and OMG it was Dru. Cam had been wondering where the heck she was and well, she was under the table. Wait... under? Uhhhh.
"Heeeeeey. Don't just sit there, get a pepper-up potion already!" And she was soaked wet, like he used to be minutes ago. Now where was Diane?