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Looking down at Lettie, he wonders if she should take a pepperup potion too. With her looking exhausted, he let's her be, for now.
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Lettie looked up when she realized someone had come next to her again. "Is it morning?" She looked around...nope. Not morning...and far from it.
She sighed and sat up straight again, looking down at the cat who could sleep through a train wreck. "I hope everyone is okay." Leticia would continue to say this until she was sure that everyone was accounted for. The healer was here now tending to several students, which was good, and Lettie could see a few other's wandering around.
She spotted Ricco getting taken care of and almost rolled her eyes, quickly bringing her attention to the Transfiguration book she had with her, and completing some homework.
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Amanda headed into the Great Hall, her heart still racing a bit from escaping the common room. In the past 3 years that she was at this school, she never had to go through this craziness; she sat down at the table and tried to calm herself down. Hopefully this wasn't going to replace her nightmare of being captured by Ministry workers and taken to Azkaban, but she wasn't sure until she actually got sleep later on.
Tray in hand, Anna walked up and down the length of the Slytherin house table. She was on the lookout for students who'd been effected by the flood but had yet to take the potion. At one end of the table, she happened upon two girls and a boy, all of whom she hadn't remembered taking the Pepperup. "Excuse me, have you three taken a dose of pepperup yet? If not, you'll need to take one now," she said. She looked down at all three, surveying them to make sure they were alright. "You lot are okay, yes?" she asked.
Originally Posted by Stacers
Lyra carried her DRY shoes in one hand as her other dangled next to her. She should have gone to the common room to change and clean up but something told her to head here first, Slytherin or not. If anyone said a word about her HORRIBLE WET ATTIRE, she was going to flip. Her hair was stuck to her head, her clothing was not much better, but all in all, she was FREEZING.
Her green eyes shifted back and forth as she saw that strange lady from the staff table at the opening feast and Mr. Groundskeeper. Well, everyone was wet, this was fun.
"Lyra Noir!" Anna called out, taking in the sight of her soaking wet best friend. Lyra Noir less than fashionable was definitely a never-been-seen-before moment! Even drenched, though, you could still tell the girl had a keen sense for fashion. After all, it's not easy being pink. "Get your soaking wet, flood-drenched self over here!" Of course she was only joking, seeing as Lyra was one of her closest friends, but she knew Lyra would let her have it for speaking to her in such a manner, regardless. "I'm only kidding. Seriously, though. I need you to take this pepperup potion..."