Originally Posted by
EquestrianGal88 Lettie looked up when she realized someone had come next to her again. "Is it morning?" She looked around...nope. Not morning...and far from it.
She sighed and sat up straight again, looking down at the cat who could sleep through a train wreck. "I hope everyone is okay." Leticia would continue to say this until she was sure that everyone was accounted for. The healer was here now tending to several students, which was good, and Lettie could see a few other's wandering around.
She spotted Ricco getting taken care of and almost rolled her eyes, quickly bringing her attention to the Transfiguration book she had with her, and completing some homework.
"Not yet." he says quietly thinking it was going to be a very long night.
Seeing her take out her Transfiguration book, he thinks maybe he should do it, to get a head start on the spells, and practice with the wand, he now has.