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Anna-Bella sat down beside a third year who had introduced herself to someone else as Xehanna. "Do you mind if I sit here?" she asked. She hoped that this wouldn't be again one of those years where she had to introduce herself every time she spoke with someone.
Xehanna looked up as someone came to sit with her.
"Oh not at all. Please sit." she said as her eyes turned deep purple. She was so excited that she was actually making friends.
"Whats your name?" she asked the girl.
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Grace blinked at the new girl, Xehanna. Had her eyes just changed color? She stared in shock with her mouth open; then slowly, she realised she should shut it up when her face took an amazement expression. "Wow!" she exclaimed. She had just accepted hair changing, taking in all in a week felt like too much. "How did you-oh, you are from those metamorphoses, aren't you?" She pronounced the word with difficulty and hoped she said it right. "Can you change your hair too?" She wished she was one. But they were rare and no shock that she wasn't that lucky.
Xehanna watched as the girl's mouth opened wide and closed soon enough. She knew exactly what Grace was thinking.
"Yeah my eyes change color with my moods. I can't really control it. or well i can't yet. I haven't actually tried." She said. She thought for a second at the girl's next question.
"I don't think so. I haven't seen it change." She said, her eyes turning their normal slytherin green. She could feel it change but it didn't bother her as much anymore.
"Do you have any...powers you could say?" she asked the girl curioulsy, her eyes turning teal.