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"Thank you professor!" she took back the owl who hooted happily.
"Your welcome, Victoria. It was my pleasure." She said. "I hope to see you at my first lesson."
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Simone blushed slightly. She felt like she was on display at some art show...or something. Did she really have to endure meeting everyone? Well, better then not meeting anyone, I guess. "Yes, I am Professor." She grinned at that. Calling her professor, made Simone want to giggle. Oh that boy! She had heard a lot about him over the summer. She blushed a little more and smiled, "Hello Jacob. I'm Simone."
Coookiesssssssss?! "Double chocolate chunk with white chocolate chips!!!!!1!1!!!!!1!1!!1!!" Simone grabbed out 2 cookies, and started munching away. "You rock....Professor Morgan." She grinned trying not to slip again.
Iliana laughed out loud at the compliment. "Well, you're pretty outstanding yourself Simone." She said shaking her head. That girl and her cookies. Haha!
"So, tell me how you like Hogwarts so far." She had been dying to know if she preferred it to Beauxbatons. Goodness knows
she did but that was mainly due to growing up here. Hogwarts was
home for Iliana. Always would be.
Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Upon hearing Professor Morgan's voice again, Anna diverted her attention back to the Care of Magical Creatures professor. Anna smiled warmly at Professor Morgan. It seemed everyone was happy to hear of her promotion to Head Girl. At least she could always say she had the support of the staff, even if the students would probably frown on her giving them demerits as she had been. "Thank you, Professor Morgan. It's an honor to have the position, but you know, I can see where some of the students may give you professors a bit of a stressful time," she replied. "I've already issued four different demerits, and the year is barely underway. I'm really happy to help out anyway I can, though."
"It's great to be back here...," Anna continued. "...even if this is the very last time I'll be a Hogwart's student. That's sort of why I came to visit you today. To talk about future plans, that is. I was hoping you could give me some advice and some words of wisdom. Do continue with what you were doing before I interrupted, though. I'll just sit around and keep the pumpkin juice company while you go about business." Anna giggled, then headed over to the juice, turning only to give the professor a smile when she mentioned Simone getting off to a good start.
The professor nodded her head. Boy did they ever. It was as if they studied the art of driving professors mad. "Well any demerits you hand out, I'm sure will be deserved. No one could ever doubt your fairness Anna." She said.
Advice, huh? Well that sounded like more than just your average idol chit chat. "I'd be happy to help you in any way I can." She said. And she meant it.
Originally Posted by
Lily Lupin
Natasha walked out of the castle with a smile, and ran her hand through her hair as she felt the light breeze against her face. Ah, it's so good to be outside again...
It was probably because Natasha lived in the city and didn't like it very much, but she loved being outside. Especially when she was at Hogwarts because there was so much to explore.
She approached Professor Morgan's hut, deciding to go there. Natasha hadn't really got the chance to talk to teachers very much in her first year of Hogwarts. Natasha knocked on the door lightly and waited.
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Malfalda knocked on the small,wooden door."Umm..hello? Professor Morgan?i'm new at Hogwarts.Is this where class is?"she asked loudly
The professor turned to the door. "Come in." She called out.
Looking down at the new 'inquisitive' arrival, she said. "Hello to you." Hmm how to answer her question without confusing the young girl. "Yes, I am Professor Morgan... and No... class is not held here. This is my office. Class locations will be posted in your Common Room or on my Notice Board prior to the lesson."
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"Yeah, she's okay... I get on her nerves, but it won't matter, because-" Jake broke off here. He wanted to mention that quidditch thing again... and the possibility of the other school. "Well, I might be away from all that soon," was all Jake said.
Grinning innocently as Professor Morgan raised her eyebrow, Jake reached up to pet Vincent again, leaning back and resting his feet on the desk. Pushing his luck, maybe, but it was comfortable.
Iliana started to smile... but when Jake said the word 'away' she knew what he was driving at. She let out an exasperated sigh and walked over beside him. Instead of bringing up the subject again, she pet Vincent on his tiny head. "Brothers always get on their sister's nerves Jake. I think it's an unwritten law." Then she handed Jake her bag of Vinnie's favorite treats. "Feel free to give him one if he acts hungry."