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"Oh I'm sure it's him," Myrtle giggled. She was just about hanging on every word of Kaika's little speech....until the girl mentioned mistaken? Myrtle? Mistaken??!
"What's that?" the ghostie inquired curiously. Her mouth hung open just a little bit until the door to the bathroom popped open again....
....and that Delicious Big D strutted in. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Now that boy was one sweet piece of puff.
"Hhihhiiiiiii Prefect Dominicnicnicccc," Myrtle stammered, immediately floating up to the boy's side and batting her eyelashes. "Need some help with your bath? I think Paris already drew some water for youuuuu."
She tapped his nose with her icy-cold finger and giggled again. Heheee. Now this was what the bathroom was for.
"Okay!" Myrtle smiled toward the captain. Yes, she was actually smiling at her. Funny how the ghost just lit up when a boyyyyyyy was around.
It was no used talking to Myrtle now that she had spotted a boy. But she was glad that Myrtle was now distracted by a boy maybe she could get a decent bath and relax.
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Why in the name of canaries did the two females in the bathroom have to be the last two he would prefer? Heck! He would rather have had twenty Vanessa's then these two... Because at least Vanessa was like pocket-sized. He could tolerate her - and she him - most of the time, anyway.
Gaze flickering over towards the Hufflepuff Captain, Dominic's eyebrows narrowed in shock. Was she . . . blushing!? Though the sixth year realized he probably was not supposed to see that and looked away, contemplating that leaving thing again quite seriously now.
Until. She spoke to him, quite bitterly too. The first time since before ... well, the ordeal last term. So it was no wonder her tone was as such.
"No need to suggest that, Lockhart," he replied, meeting her gaze and tone with equal bitterness.
Except. Why should he have to leave? Even if Paris did squeal at the sight of seeing a male in the bathroom - which was of course a co-ed bathroom, since there were both males and females who could use it. But seriously, it wasn't really like he could give two chocolate frogs about Paris Greenwood or her feminine self.
Nonetheless, she was self-conscious. Surprising though for a Slytherin.
"You know, there are males who are entitled to use this bathroom. And well, I didn't even know that you were allowed? What - may i ask - is your reasoning that privies you to use of this private area?" Dominic inquired, paying no mind now to her intimate apparel, as the shock at worn off, so to him, it was like she was completely dressed.
... Oh, Myrtle was here. And what was this!??! She wanted him to take a bath!? Oh NO! There was absolutely no way that he was going to be taking a bath with Myrtle, Kaika, AND Paris around!
"Hello Myrtle," Dom greeted politely, ignoring her stammer and obvious fawning and flirting over him. Urgh... Newell was good to have left Hogwarts for this main reason here. Lucky boy.
And then, she tapped his nose, causing him to jerk his head back slightly out of instinct. "Uh... No thanks, Myrtle. I am not sure, but I do think that Paris drew the water for herself though." At least that's why I would guess she is wearing nothing but a towel
"Yup.. I think, I was uh, just dropping by," he smiled vaguely at the ghost, and the two females in there before turning to leave. Oh yes... Escape was like a necessity now!
Her tempered flared at how he said
you. Like she wasn't worthy of anything special.
"I don't have to explain anything to you Denton, and as this is a password protected area and I am on the right side of the door I have every right to be here as you do." She was seething.
"I am aware that this is a coed bathroom but the other males that use this bathroom would have had the manners to see it was occupied and turned around and left and came back at a later time." She said trying to keep her temper in check before she shoved Dominic into the bath water. "
No where did it say that you had to be informed of every change that went on in this castle." She didn't usually hate people, but she honestly hated Dominic Denton.
"I am the new Slytherin quidditch captain and therefore I have ever right to use this bathroom." Her chest was rising and falling slowly and she was about to run out of oxygen from how tight she had it around herself.
If she passed out she wondered if they would leave her there or take her to the hospital wing. That would be funny to see Dominic standing there weighting the pros and cons of taking her or leaving her.