Haunts the Girls' Loo | Senstitive & Loud
Ooooh OOOOOH! So now everyone wanted to spend time with Myrtle in her perfect pretty Prefect loo. Well, duh, she was the bestest, prettiest ghostie. Who wouldn't want to chat with her?
"Why helllllllllo Huffypuffy," the ghost called out in an oddly sweet tone, floating right-side up to squint at the girl's badge. "Oooh, I mean, Captain Huffypuffy." Myrtle giggled her ear-splitting laugh. "Do you happen to know my Jakey Wakey Knight in Shining Armour? He's a Huffypuff too, I mean, when he's not off tickling dragons and allll." Giggle giggle.
__________________ You're always welcome to share my toilet. 
You do NOT just SWING on someone's PIPES without asking! |