Join Date: Mar 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name: isabella Macmillan Sixth Year |
here's today's post... Starting Of New Friendships...
That night Mrs. Weasley after dinner talked to Madam Rosmerta about what Sara thought about the invitation. Ginny had told Molly about it and she was more then happy to have a guest with Gorge, Percy, Bill and Charlie busy with their work and Ron and Harry most of the time at Gorge’s apartment. She would be glad to have another female company along with Ginny and Hermione.
“ah…I don’t know Molly but I will let you know by tomorrow,” said Rosmerta
Next day while both Rosmerta and Sara were busy with the customers Rosmerta asked Sara about the invitation and Sara hesitantly refused it.
“Madam Rosmerta I don’t want to trouble them as I have troubled you,” she said simply
“Sara you need to go out. You have been stuck here for 3 months almost. No doubt you did go to different places in search of your friend but I bet they were not happy places that you visited. Weasley family is the most warm and welcoming family I have ever known. They will take good care of you and if you think I am getting rid of you, then you are wrong. I will never do that. I just want you to be just like other wizards and witches of your age are.”
Sara looked at her for quite sometime. She didn’t know what to do. She quietly worked the entire day. The next day she got up and told Rosmerta that she would go to the Burrow and stay there for rest of the vacation. She had thought long and hard. She found Ginny as a very nice person and it wouldn’t hurt her if she spent sometime with her. It will be a new experience for her altogether.
Rosmerta happy with Sara’s decision informed Molly that Sara would come and Molly invited her the very next day. When Sara was packing she thought once again
“did I decide in a haste?”
“is it a good decision?”
“why do I react so impulsively,” she thought
“Sara, honey, you ready?”
“good,” she said coming in her room and saw that all that Sara owned was small back pack.
“you sure you don’t want anyone to accompany you?”, she asked
“no Madam Rosmerta, I think I have visited St. Ottery Catchpole for a brief time. I know the place and don’t worry I will find their house,” she said reassuringly
“you always want some adventure don’t you?”
And Sara just silently nodded. Sara walked out of the pub looked back and saw Madam Rosmerta standing at the entrance of the place which saved her life and waving her hands. She smiled and waved back hoping to come back soon. But little did she know that destiny had different plans for her.
Sara walked almost to the end of Hogsmeade and apparated from there. She arrived at the outskirts of the St Ottery Catchpole. It was a muggle town. It was just as busy as a typical muggle town would be. Shops and small cafés had opened up for the day. The streets were busy with cars and buses. People were walking about giving her curious glances. She silently walked all across the town and reached the other end of it. She saw two small hills. She looked around carefully then closed her eyes and concentrated on the 1st hilltop. She was sucked in with a familiar feeling of getting compressed in a rubber tube and then the feeling was gone. She opened her eyes and saw that she was at the hill top. She started walking down the hill and saw a uneven road heading towards a almost tumbling house in front of her. it had red roof with 4 to 5 chimneys with a huge fence around it. Sara walked down the road and reached the gate which had a sign board saying ‘Burrow’
Sara opened the gate and walked towards the house. The house had a small garden in the front and a small poultry at the side and a small garage. She looked up at the house hoping to see someone and then she saw a red headed girl and by her side was a brown bushy haired girl standing by the window.
“hey Sara!” called Ginny. She waved and both of them turned away from the window to see her. Molly who was in the kitchen then saw Sara arriving from her window and she quickly wiped the flour from hand and left to call Sara in.
“Sara! How nice to see you”
“nice to see you too Mrs.Weasley”
“good that you have come. Now I will have some extra company of young women,” she said and Sara blushed when she called her a young woman. For her the word woman is a sign of responsibility and maturity while the word girl symbolizes stubbornness, immature behavior, carefree which she thought she was. As they walked Ginny came out closely followed by Hermione.
“hey Sara. Good you have come,” said Ginny
“thanks for inviting me,” said Sara
“oh honestly its nothing,” said Ginny
“this is Hermione, Sara,” Ginny introduced her to Hermione Granger
“nice to meet you Hermione,” said Sara
“nice to meet you too Sara”
“girls why don’t you show her your room,” said Molly, “till then I will fix some breakfast for her” continued Molly but then stopped suddenly to see Ron and Harry eating cookies from the jar.
“Ronald Weasley! How many times have I told you not to touch that jar! You just had your breakfast! What is it in your body, a stomach or a bottomless pit!”
Ron and Harry who were nicely standing and eating at the kitchen counter suddenly stopped eating when they saw Mrs.Weasley standing there in front of them. Harry was about to take a bite and Ron had already put his hand yet again in the jar to get another cookie for himself.
“put that jar down right now!”
Ron did it immediately left the one cookie which he had taken and hurried out of the kitchen. Behind Molly the girls were giggling and Sara looked away from embarassed Ron.
“girls go ahead and I will fix some breakfast for Sara,” said Molly
“oh no Mrs.Weasely that wont be needed. Don’t trouble yourself. I already had my breakfast before leaving Hogsmeade.”
“you sure dear”
“ok then I will go back to preparing lunch and you girls can show her around the house”
“yes mum!” said Ginny with finality and led Sara to their room. Both Ginny and Hermione were walking in front of Sara whispering and giggling about what happened in the kitchen few minutes’ ago. The room was on the third landing. The room was quite like a girl’s room with walls painted in pink and lavender with a two small beds on each side of the room, a study table near the huge window overlooking the orchard behind their house, a bathroom by the side and a dressing table with a huge mirror.
“this is my room or mine and Hermione’s room and now Hermione’s yours and my room,” said Ginny
“Er…Sara actually there is very little space for another bed so is it ok for you to sleep in a camp bed?”
“oh that’s fine, absolutely alright” said Sara without any hesitation and Ginny smiled. They placed her trunk in Ginny’s wardrobe which was now used by Hermione too.
“so Sara, you will be attending Hogwarts?,” asked Hermione sitting on one bed and crossing her legs.
“you excited?”
“I remember the way I was excited when I first got the letter. Being a muggle I had no idea about this world, even whether it existed or not. I thought it was a joke or something but then I took a risk and believed it and went to the Leaky Cauldron and it was only then that I could believe myself,” said Hermione
“which are your favorite subjects?” asked Hermione and patting the place beside her to come and sit.
“favorite subjects, I particularly like DADA and potions, but I am a pretty good at Transfiguration and Charms too” she said as she sat down
“no doubt you will be,” said Ginny sitting on the chair
“which is your boring subject?” asked Ginny
“boring…History of Magic”
“aha…we too find it boring,” said Ginny
“I don’t find it boring but the way Professor Binns used to teach us anyone could be bored”, said Hermione
“yeah, I mean History can be interesting only if we have good teacher for it or if we have particular interest in it,” said Sara
“even we had such a boring professor that I would prefer to sit in the back of the class and study myself,” said Sara
“can I know the names of the professors who will be teaching us?”
“yeah, sure”
“we have Professor Minerva Macgonagall or our headmistress for Transfiguration, Professor Binns for History Of Magic, Professor Sinstra for Astronomy, Professor Horace Slughorn for Potions, Professor Flitwick for Charms, Professor Sprout for Herbology, Professor Trewelney for Divination”
“are you taking Divination?” asked Hermione
“no, I am not”
“you don’t like Divination?” asked Sara
“um…in the beginning in my 3rd year when I took the subject I found it nothing but bluff and the our professor fraud, but now I think I can believe few things about seeing the future and stuff but I don’t like it that much that I would do NEWTs for it,” said Hermione shaking her head
Ginny and Hermione talked and talked about Hogwarts and the professors and quidditch and almost everything and Sara kept on listening to them intently.
It was already afternoon and lunch time when Ron and Harry entered their room
“Ginny, Hermione mum’s calling for lunch”, said Ron and he stopped again looking at Sara and looked away from her. Hermione caught him doing that and raised her eyebrow
“Sara you have met Harry, I presume,” said Ginny walking up to Harry and holding his hand. Harry turned deep red color “and this is my brother Ron. You haven’t seen him, right?”
“nice meet you Ron, nice to meet you again Harry,” she said softly
“nice to meet you too Sara, good and don’t ever call me Mr. Potter again,” reminded Harry. Sara understood and then Ron left immediately which puzzled Sara. She looked at Hermione
“did I say something wrong?” she asked
“wrong? Oh on, its nothing like that Sara, I think its just that he is embarrassed because you saw him when his mum scolded him in the morning and you know he was in his maroon pajamas which he usually detests and since you are new in the house he got embarrassed. ”
“lets go to lunch,” said Ginny pulling Harry along with her which made Hermione roll her eyes and followed them along with Sara to the kitchen.
have a nice day:-)
Last edited by harita; 04-09-2010 at 04:12 AM.
Reason: Some Changes Made