Irial kept his mouth shut, but growled angrily. He had plenty of retorts to make, but as he wanted to get out sometime this millennium, he decided to keep his mouth tightly clamped. And as for the apology, it was sincere, but damn the professor for not realizing it. Honestly, he just wanted to get this over with.
"I appreciate you taking the spell off my brother, Professor," Irial thanked the man, giving him a courteous nod. And he was grateful. There was nothing more he didn't like than seeing his brother in misery. Sighing to himself, he glanced at the said brother.
"Ari, just keep your mouth shut, okay? I don't feel well, and I'm sick of arguing. I don't like him any more than you do, and I shouldn't have reacted the way I did, but we've got to get out of here someday, and I for one want to do it soon."
Irial wasn't in any way defeated, hell no, but he was sick of fighting with this guy. Anything Irial said, whether it be right or wrong, he was going to lose. Because this guy was in power and he wasn't. Sighing to himself, he turned from Ari and the professor and picked up a stray sponge and began to clean, quietly.
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