Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret
"What do you mean you weren't kissing me? C, it is rather selfish if you don't let me practice the whole experience," he complained, licking his lips and appreciating any residue strawberry flavouring.
"Yes, flour," he confirmed, "I need to make myself look all white. I think she would appreciate it."
He nodded, "I think the elves will have plenty of the stuff." He reached out to tickle the pear when one of the ghosts turned up. Oh no! What if she was onto him. He didn't want her to behead him like that creepy Gryffindor ghost... or at least partially! Then she enquired about the Headmaster's whereabouts.
"In his office?" he offered.
__________________ When I look into the MIRROR OF ERISED
all that I see is YOU
*wink* |