Farmer Carter | | Ama's Secret
At first, Varius couldn't really read Cela's face so he had originally expected it to be good news. He had made her speechless, right? He had been that amazing that she was SPEECHLESS! However... no.
Cela began to give her judgements and they were not good. Once she was done he pondered for a moment wondering what on earth he may have done wrong! "Well," he began, "You weren't all that great yourself. You left some sort of slime all over my lips!" He rubbed off the 'slime' that happened to be lipgloss.
"Not now though C, we can practice later. We should really get on with what I asked you down here to do," he looked over his back to make sure no Hufflepuff was coming out of the common room or coming down from the Entrance Hall. "I need you to help me cover myself in flour."
__________________ When I look into the MIRROR OF ERISED
all that I see is YOU
*wink* |