Irial heard the door creak open and he spun around to face the Professor. Suddenly, the man flicked his wand and the room was filthy again. His mouth dropped as the Professor walked out again.
He began to shake angrily, not even caring if he was going to get in trouble again. He let loose a string of curses so loud and long that everyone had to have heard them.
"You know what?!" he snarled at the closed door. "I don't care how you curse me or hex me, or what! I'm sick of this! We've done enough for you, you vile man!!" He chucked the bucket of filthy water at the door where it cracked in half. "You're a vindictive power-hungry creep! You don't deserve to be a Professor! Torturing students?! How low can you get?!" He chucked a sponge at the door and hit the door with a thwack and landed in the puddle of water.
"Ari, I don't care what happens. I'm not cleaning it. I did it once, there's no way in hell I'm doing it again. We've been here long enough! And we still have another detention," he hissed furiously.
Last edited by NightShadows; 05-25-2009 at 10:14 PM.