Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Lars the canary heaved a sigh of relief and looked inquisitively at Carden as he began turning back into himself for the final time. Turning into a canary was all fine and dandy, but not when it happened multiple times in a row. Well, it was fine, but perhaps not for older men. He would have to remember not to try it again.
"Cedric was fastest? Excellent! Congratulations, Cedric!" Lars said with a grin. He began clapping for the boy. "You reduced it to a fine powder. I never would have thought of that, myself." Certainly not. He would be far too eager to just devour the pastry to worry about being sophisticated.
Aha. Lars had been positive that someone else would think to eat the pastry. Lars glanced at Cam to ensure that he was safe as he turned into a canary and back to himself. Excellent.
But oh! A question! Hmm... "That would not be vanishing it, per se, but it would get rid of it effectively. But, as you recall, you cannot apparate in or out of Hogwarts, so it does not really apply here," he told the girl with a kind smile.
"Thomas, my boy! Where's your pastry?" Lars patted Cedric's shoulder. "She wasn't asking if it would be easier, Cedric. She was just asking if it would work."
And what about Victoria? Lars glanced over at the girl and saw that half her pastry was gone. "Excellent, Victoria. Don't worry, we'll learn soon enough how to make the pastry completely disappear." Lars Svensson turned to his class. "Oh, and Lettie, as I just said, that would not be vanishing it, but it would be making it 'disappear'. I did not ask anybody to vanish anything, not yet anyway. So reducio worked wonderfully in this exercise."
"Now--you can see that we all had mixed results in making the pastries go away. There's got to be a more efficient, more dependable way to do these things, isn't there? After all, we do have wands." Lars hopped off his desk, withdrew a final pastry from his box, and carried it over to Clifford Carden's desk, and walked back to the front of the room.
"Who can tell me the incantation for the vanishing spell?" |