Disco Duck Leader of the Spork Rebellion
"Aww, Roma, it's okay, I'm just trying to get this over with." Clark walked over and petted the dog, then wiped the residue on his robe. "Here, let's sing a song. Songs make EVERYTHING better!!" Clark threw off his shoes (which he immediatley regretted as there was icky RED slime on the ground) and started to dance interpretively.
"The sun'll come ooooout, tooooomorrrowwwww! Betcha bottommmm dooolarrr thattt tommmoroooow, they'llll beeeeee sun....." Clark had learned this dance about two years ago from an old musical. He transferred into the working song and practiced choreography while he cleaned the dog and the dungeon. He finally finished with everything, the dungeon spotless (enough) and Roma squeaky clean. "Roooma! Rooma's her name IF YOU PLEASE. If youuu don't believe me, ask anyone of the fleeeaaaas. Oh wait, she has none cos I washed them all off....." This led Clark to break into spontaneous dancing and scat singing. "Shoo bop shoo daw wop. Diggity bibbity pow wow mow."