*RabidRavenclaw*Nymphadora!*BritneySpearsFanatic* *Eclectic*ZetaTauAlphaPrincess*TexasAngel*
Satine hurried after him...she was going a little to fast and slid on a especially shiny patch on the floor...she giggled loudly as she hit the floor pretty hard...her hair turned to a neon pink from her embarrassement, but she always took these kind of mishaps in stride and just giggle at herself...go figure...
As she was sitting on the floor, she looked around...wow this corridor was pretty...well...simple... "So do we walk along the walls tapping or what?" she could picture an old cartoon she used to watch in the Muggle world, "Have you ever seen Scooby-Doo...it's a Muggle cartoon..." she could picture hiding place behind portraits that you could look out through their eyes and eavesdrop on people...yeppers this was fun...
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