Originally Posted by
Miss Lissy Lou
He then turned to Anna and smiled at her. AHA! He had been right--there HAD been an underlying reason for her emotional outburst. She missed Cale. Understandable. He WAS her fiance, after all, and quite easily one of the coolest guys in school. But it worried Jack to see her so worked up just a day into term--how on Earth could she survive the whole year? Oh lord, they were going to have a MESSED up prefect this term! The HORROR! "It's ok, that's understandable. Of course you miss him. And I'm sure he misses you," he said. He nodded and grinned at her. "And yeah, I'll forgive you. Just--warn me next time before you start crying, ok?" he asked with a small chuckle. He was only half-serious. Crying girls still startled him.
Reluctantly, Anna returned Jack's smile. How lucky she was that the kid would even acknowledge her right now, much less smile at her. He seemed to be the forgiving kind, though, and Anna was suddenly grateful Caleb had once made friends with Jack. After all, in some odd sort of way, Jack kind of filled a little gap Caleb had left behind when he's graduated. Anna could easily see the kid being the one she ran to when troubles came her way. He wasn't---and never would be---Caleb, but he'd do for now.
"Yeah," Anna answered, nodding at Jack. She sure did miss Caleb. Every
day, even. She and Caleb had talked before she'd left, though, and he'd encouraged her to do her best throughout her seventh year, graduate with the highest marks she was able to get, and then come right back home to him. She imagined she'd be thinking back to that conversation quite often throughout the year. "I do miss him...yeah. Thanks for erm, understanding and all. Yeah..."
It was a little harder to talk to Jack than Anna had imagined, though. She assumed it had something to do with the fact that she'd just yelled at him and told him to stay away from her. In time, when Anna had forgotten all about her little show back there at the table, she'd be able to sit and talk with Jack once again. "I'll try to warn you, but...those moments sometimes don't lend themselves to remember a warning label, you know. We're alright, though, Jack. We're cool."
Originally Posted by
Sneakeh Cat
Reese nodded towards Anna. "Of course you can write Cale. As far as I'm concerned, nobody's going to stop you. Right?" She said, smiling slightly as Anna's expression lightened up. As soon as Anna's expression faded, her smile faded with it. She stood there as Anna talk about Cale finding out she was upset if she wrote him. "But,what's the worse that can happen if you write Cale and he finds out your upset? It's not like he's going to get mad at you for being upset. He'll probably make you feel better, way better than I can," she told Anna. She wasn't that great at comforting people, so Cale probably could do a way better job than herself. "So, I think you should-" She stopped mid sentence when Anna changed her mind and said she didn't want to write Cale, "Okay, never mind. You don't have to write Cale if you don't want to."
She wiped the few last remaining tears she had and looked at Anna. "I just- I just didn't think I would-" She stopped talking when Anna started to burst into tears. Oh, please, no more tears. She wrapped her arms around Anna when she hugged her. Seeing Anna cry once more, made Reese start crying again. "I'm not a mess, I'm just... geez, what am I saying? I am a mess," she confessed, "Anna, I will promise that I'll be right by your side this whole term." She let go of Anna and looked her friend in the eye. "Anna, I don't know if you know this, but you've been more of a friend to me than anyone else. And,I just want to thank you," she told her. "Thank you for always being there for me and...just, I thank you for everything you've done for me. I couldn't have asked for a better friend." Yes, that little statement was kind of random, but it felt like the right moment to say that. When Anna mentioned going to the bathroom and washing their faces off, she said, "Okay."
Anna suddenly laughed when she realized how confused she was making poor Reese. "Oh, Reese, how do you put up with me?" Anna asked, shaking her head at her own actions. "Told ya I'm a mess. Anyway, I think I'll wait a day or two and see if Caleb will owl me first. He promised he would once he thought I'd had time to settle in. I told him I'd be settled in right away, so he maybe he took that hint." Anna couldn't wait for that one special moment when Phineas would come tap-tap-tapping on her windowsill, bringing a letter from Caleb her way. Absentmindedly, Anna turned towards the nearest window, wishing that moment would come right here, right now. It didn't, though, of course. "If you hear from him, let me know as soon as possible, 'kay?"
A few additional tears trickled down Anna's cheek when Reese started saying how well she thought of her. They were probably driving poor Jack insane. Boys couldn't handle sappy situations the way girls could. Girls thrived in sappy situations, whereas boys ran far, far away from them. "I feel the same way, Reese. Besides Caleb, you're my very best friend. I know I can always count on you to be there for me when I need you the most," she said, hugging Reese tighter. "Reese...I miss him so much..."
Anna sighed and released Reese from the hug. She better get a move on. She had things to do. Standing here and sobbing all day was just getting her nowhere. "Alright, I've got to get out of here. I have a few things to do. You two behave, and I'll talk to you later, alright?" Anna said. She smoothed out her skirt and dried a few stray tears off her cheeks. Best to do that now and not let the rest of the school see all these tears. When she thought her appearance was acceptable, Anna smiled at both Reese and Jack, then headed out the Entrance Hall.