Originally Posted by
"Yes, sir," Jake nodded his head again, before shaking it. "And... no, sir. That was about it... thank you," he smiled awkwardly, slowly stepping back. "Am I okay to go now, sir?"
"You may go Mr Upstead." Marcus gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder and chuckled. "See you tomorrow."
Originally Posted by
Meh Reh
Karma sighed, put her hands in her pockets, and walked towards the professor.
"I know sir, it's pretty bad," she said, stopping a few feet away. "It's just a stupid teenage moment, you know? I lost contact with my best friend and love interest over summer. And somehow, it's become this love triangle thing. I hate that, 'cause the other girl is sooo dramatic..."
She made a face of disgust. It wasn't like she was the toughie here, just overdramatic girls made her gag. Yiiiiiikes - he smiled, nonono don't do that. FOCUS Atkins, focus.
Oh yeah he knew about those teenage moments, they may have been twenty years ago but he remembered them as though they were yesterday. Marcus gave her a gentle smile. "Let's go for a walk shall we Karma, a bit of fresh air might do us both some good and then we can talk about how to get a smile back on your face." He gave a slight bow and gestured with his hand for her to go first. "How about we take a stroll along the pathways?"