Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo
He nodded in agreement. You could only stare at the chatty people around you for so long before it got on your nerves and you had to leave. At least...that's the way Kel was. "Really?" he asked curiously. "I know like, nothing about this place. Except that -" he put on his immitation-mother voice before continuing "-Slytherin is the best, and the lake is rubbish." he rolled his eyes at his mother's thought, then felt his ears go red. Crap. He had to stop speaking his mind like that... "But, yeah. I don't know any real things about Hogwarts. Wanna search for a passage way?" he asked cheerfully, looking around as if he expected a passage to spring up in front of him and shout Here I am!
__________________  COURAGEOUS | RESILIENT | FIERY everlasting companion |