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Old 05-24-2009, 07:34 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
isabella Macmillan
Sixth Year

An Invitation...

It was already the 2nd week of August and soon she will be going to Hogwarts. She somehow was hesitant in looking forward for it. She got up the next day and read the Hogwarts letter again when she heard a knock on her door.
“come in”
The door opened and she saw the red haired girl yet again standing in front of her.
“ah Ginny…please come in,” said Sara and Ginny walked and sat on the bed next to her.
“how’s your vacation going on?”
“how about you? How are you?”
“fine” and Ginny nodded her head. She looked at the letter which Sara was reading and she gave a small smile and asked
“you have been called to Hogwarts?”
“yes, you didn’t know?”
“you cant lie to me,” said Sara softly and she gave a small smile. “Gorge knew it that I got the letter and I very well have come to know from past few months that it is not in his nature to keep things to himself” at which Ginny smiled and nodded.
“so you are coming, right?”
“why do you ask?”
“um…no I mean…you know…you didn’t want to join the school and all and now you are getting this letter…so I thought maybe you still haven’t made up your mind,” she said slowly and cautiously knowing and experiencing Sara’s temper on issues that involved her life.
“no, I am joining to bug you this year. I will be in the 7th year,” said Sara with a smile
“sure you are coming?!” asked Ginny with a wide smile and Sara nodded
“this is excellent…I am so happy,” she said truly delighted
Sara didn’t understand her at all. Why was she so happy for her but above all Sara wanted to apologize her again.
“I…I am really sorry for the way I behaved that day,”
“oh come on…I have forgotten about it but no doubt I did feel bad at what you said but it is justifiable. We had no right to interfere in you life and I apologize you for that. So all in all we both have apologized to each other and forgiven each other”
And Sara nodded and smiled. She was happy that Ginny forgave her and that she no longer thought why Ginny was behaving so nice to a stranger like her.
“so have you done with your school shopping?” asked Sara
“oh no. I haven’t. I will soon be going. It is already 2nd week of August. Would you like to come along when I go for getting my things? And we can get your things too”
“yeah, that would be a nice idea. Anyway I need to know how to get to the Leaky Cauldron,” said Sara.
“you know you can meet Harry, Ron and Hermione there. I think you have met Harry, haven’t you?
“you haven’t met Hermione and Ron yet, right?”
“good we can meet them after we have done with our shopping. Hermione will be working in the ministry and so will be Harry, though he will be under training, you see. He wants to be an auror and he has written a complementary exam this summer. He didn’t want to come back to Hogwarts again”
“it holds too many memories for him, doesn’t it?” asked Sara and Ginny looked at her and she slowly nodded her head.
“so you see he will be under the auror training for 3 years, actually it doesn’t take that long you know, but since he has not given the actual NEWTs so he may have to take 3 years of the training and Ron will be in Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes in Leaky Cauldron. So you can meet him there again.”
And Sara nodded. They continued to talk and talk. Sara had never talked to anyone so much in past few months. She was all quiet and all but today they talked and talked about studies and career, about quidditch and ministry, but never did each of them step into each others past.

It was afternoon when they came out of the apartment smiling and talking when Rosmerta saw them. She was very happy for the first time to see Sara smile.
“so here you are”
“sorry Madam Rosmerta I have kept Sara away from the counter,” said Ginny
“no, no nothing to worry about. Good you both are getting along well”
“I think I should leave now.”
“mum will be waiting for me for lunch” said Ginny
“nice talking to you,” said Sara
“hey by the way why don’t you come to my house? I mean if you want to. It will great to have you there. Madam Rosmerta is it ok if she spends the rest of her vacation in my house?” she asked
“oh no, no, don’t take that pain, Ginny. I will be nothing but an extra burden and I still will be helping Madam Rosmerta,” said Sara
“if you are thinking about work, Sara let me assure you that my mum is one heck of a woman when it comes to domestic work, so I bet there will be loads of work for you as well,” she said with a cheeky grin
“but I am not forcing you. But my invitation is still open,” she said and left the pub.

have a nice day:-)

Last edited by harita; 04-09-2010 at 04:11 AM. Reason: Some Changes Made
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