Thread: The Kitchen
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Old 05-24-2009, 04:43 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
NeeNee Omniscient Omnipotent Pie Maker

Originally Posted by NicoT View Post
"Ethan. Zan... I..." He shifted in his seat and offered his hand quite formally to the little elf. "I take History of Magic. It's a pleasure to meet you, Beezley." He cocked his head, curious to know what the little elf thought would be appropriate food. Not that he felt at all like he was going to faint, and really, he thought Cari was being a tad ridiculous about it but it was nice of her. She was a good friend.

And he WAS hungry.
Ethan was good people. He treats House Elves nicely and humours her nutritional fanaticism. Now, if he only liked pie...

Originally Posted by Argyle View Post
Argyle is busy baking pastries for tomorrow breakfast. Argyle gets out a pan of cinnamon sticky buns out of the oven. Argyle levitates the pan and walks to the main kitchen when she finds two adults talking to Breezy. Argyle lets to pan float to the table. Argyle then walks into the room. "Good evening, welcome to the kitchen. Did Mistress Ray-Braxton send you down here?" Argyle still can't get used to Mistress Ray-Braxton and her children being gone. Argyle really loved them all.
Cari bit back a laugh. Poor little elf. Confused just a bit.

She shook her head. "No..." hmmm to burst the little elf's bubble or not? That is the question. "We came for a bit of a snack, actually." Best not to upset the little thing. She'd let Professor Bontecou know when she saw him next. Or let Beezley explain it.

Originally Posted by Beezley View Post
Beezley's little bug eyes grew wider and wider as the mistress knelt down to her level. She took a step back and knelt a little, as well. Beezley shouldn't be the same height as mistress. Beezley was a house elf, and house elves shouldn't equal to mistresses. Beezley's bug eyes relazed a little, but they popped widely back open when the mistress greeted her. "Ohh, Mistress Cari. Such an honor, such an honor. Beezley honored to serve you, Mistress Cari," she said.

When the lady directed the elf's attention to the man standing nearby, Beezley turned and looked in his direction. She gasped, completely beside herself that one of her masters had not eaten, then jumped back a few steps.

As soon as she was a good distance away from Mistress Cari, Beezley threw herself as Master Truebridge's feet. "Masterrrr Truebridgeee!" she wailed. "Oh, Beezley has failed Master Truebridge! Master, forgive Beezley!" With that, she jumped up off the ground and ran back to the door she'd popped out of as fast as her little wobbly legs could take her. Pots and pans and the such could all be heard clanging against one another. Some time later, Beezley arrived back in the room...only to run right back out again. She continued in this manner until Master Truebridge had an assortment of thirteen dishes to choose from. name it. "Master Truebridge," Beezley said, curtseying again and motioning towards the dishes.
Uh oh...

"Oh Beezley!" Cari squeaked, alarmed that they had upset her, "You didn't fail at all. It's okay - wow!" House Elves can MOVE. Is that where Tobi learned to be so efficient in the kitchen?

"That's very - wow. Thank you Beezley."
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