SuperMegaFoxyAwesomeHot | Everybody lies | Awesomesauce! ♥
Ricco just looked at the professor as he began to make conversation, i am hard working....when it comes to Care of magical creatures he screamed in his head. "Well i am hardworking when i want to be or if i particulary like something, for example i enjoy Care of Magical Creatures , and i also enjoy Quidditch" He said dropping the hint about quidditch "They calm me down and keep me behaved". Ricco was trying to make the idea of letting him sign up for the Quidditch team almost irresistable. Deciding that it was time to ask Ricco stood away from the workbench and asked him straight out "I was wondering if i can sign up for the Hufflepuff quidditch team sir". Most people would have said it slowly but Ricco decided that he wasnt going to be nervous even though he was shaking inside. "I will do more detentions for you if it means i can" He said hoping that he would just say that he could sign up and not need to do more detentions with him. Ricco still had to meet that other professor bt he decided that if he was allowed to go he would qickly sign up then come back down and speak with him.
"I was a born troublemaker and might as well earn a living at it."  Fan Clubs ______________ Bonnie ______________ Level 6 |