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Old 05-24-2009, 12:48 AM   #6 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Xavieria Bole

♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty

Originally Posted by Eclipsed View Post
Tuna! OMNOMNOMMNON. Ahh, the wonders that a simple tuna sandwich could perform for one's soul mood. And he was near the end of it! NUU.

Licking his finger, Terry waved his crust around in the air and strummed the air to a tune only he could hear.

His eyes snapped open though when a prolonged 'MREEAAOWWWWWWWW' suddenly joined in along his chorus. Sayyywhuuu?

He glanced over to see Muffin loping towards him. Aww! The kitten missed him! Dropping to his knees, Terry held his free hand out to stroke with, only to see the white fluffball charge straight for the sad remains of his tuna sandwich. ...right. So much for missing him.

Smacking his hand free of crumbs after Muffin had made off with his prize and had curled up in a corner all protectively, Terry shook his head remorsefully, only then catching sight of Evolette following up behind. 'Your pet does not have his priorities set straight, you know that?' Still, a small smile curved across his lips and Terry edged her a look, 'You been okay?' Ehhh, it'd been a while, hadn't it?
NOM NOM NOM. Muffin knew that he smelled something. It had only been a matter of time until he found it. Lifting his eyes and tossing a, what could only be described as a kitty smirk at the boy, he started nomming the sandwich. NOM NOM NOM.

Wrinkling her nose, Evolette finally caught up to Muffin, only to see him stuffing his face with a tuna fish sandwich. HUH? Then, she saw the one person she'd been hoping to see, yet had not seen since.... the last time she saw him.

Without even answering his question, she threw her arms around his neck, squeezing him tightly into a hug. Mmmmm. She'd missed him so much.

Pulling away, she smacked his arm as hard as she could. "Have you been avoiding me Terry Saunders?" she asked, looking hurt. Okay. She knew he hadn't really been avoiding her, but that's what it felt like when your best friends suddenly disappeared!
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