Squeezing his eyes tightly shut, Jake rubbed his eye quickly, trying to get rid of the throb. "It's okay, mate," he smiled wryly at the girl. "It don't hurt, you just took me by surprise," he explained, looking up, his eye showing signs of being a black eye in no time at all.
"Ahhh," he mumbled, touching his face around the eye and pressing it gingerly. "I'll have to see Professor Morgan... and you don't have to go to the nurse if you don't want to, mate."
He gave an acknowledging nod to the others that had gathered around, before blinking, trying to get rid of the stars he was seeing.
"Oh...clever aren't we Mr. Upstead," Vanessa smiled, as she glanced at him. It would be a bit of a confidence boost for him though. She winced as he tumbled back. Oh trust the hufflepuff common room to be filled with injury as term started. "Are you okay?" She asked, not really wanting to casualties on her hands. She wouldn't be able to levitate both of them to the hospital wing.
"Don't faint on me Jake." She warned him, jokingly. Oh where was Dominic Denton when she needed him!
As she girl spoke again, Vanessa looked down at her, smiling, hoping that the girl wasn't feeling too embarrassed. Eep. She was a little shocked when she girl tried to get up, but she couldn't. "Don't do that." She nodded, with a smile. She didn't want the young girl to fall over.
Glancing up at the other girls she smiled at them. They all seemed like they wanted to help. Well maybe they could.
"Erm...whats you're name dear?" She asked, with a smile. "I'm Vanessa, one of you're house Prefects." She added, hoping that the girl would feel to aliented around them now. "And...I do think you should go to the hospital wing." She nodded, glancing up again. "I really don't want you to faint again."
Wesley relaxed slightly, relieved the boy wasn't mad. Or at least he didn't seem mad. Maybe he was. Wesley bit her lip slightly, wishing she could read minds.
Prefect. Wesley had known the girl was special. "W-wesley," she answered simply, a little self conscious, remembering the time when someone told her it was a boys name; she had cried.
Wesley didn't respond immediately to the next sentence. She really didn't want to go to the hospital wing. Hospitals scared her. She just wanted to go to sleep. And wake up the next day with everything okay. She wanted to start over. But Wesley doubted whether she could walk to the room. Maybe she could just sit here for a little bit. But sitting in the middle of the room with wet hair seemed slightly odd. She would just be in every one's way. And Vanessa really wanted her to go to the hospital wing. She didn't want to make Vanessa angry. But Wesley didn't want to be a burden. And she didn't want to cause a scene.
The truth was, she honestly didn't know what to do.