SuperMegaFoxyAwesomeHot | Everybody lies | Awesomesauce! ♥
Ricco watcched as the professor left the dungeon so getting up he decided to start with the one that would be hardest, taking the bucket filled with murtlaps Ricco started to take them out one by one, scraping the stuff that wwas off its back into one of the jars that was left. It took him about 15 minutes to get it all in 2 of the jars so taking some of the water he poured it into them. Ricco was doing this as trial and error as he didnt have any vinegar but he hoped that something else that was acidic was enough, walking over to the wall he scraped some of the Bundimun secration into the water and the murtlaps and left both bottles to lie on the table.
Taking the second bucket he tipped all of the flobberworms onto the workdesk making sure that none of them made a getaway, starting at the ones that were closest to the edge he began to squeeze the liquid out of both sides into more tubs that were empty before moving onto the next one each time placing the unused flobberworms into the bucket, after about half an hour he was three qaurters of the way done and decided to work a little faster in hopes that the professor would be kind. Finally he was done so taking the tubs he placed it beside the two tubs filled with the pickling murtlap essence.
Looking into the tub of scarab beetles Ricco watched them all climb ontop of each other to see who would get to the top and stay there while the weaker ones have to stay in the dark at the bottom, Looking around the dungeon he wondered what he could use to crush them, out of the corner of his eye he spotted the bucket filled with the unused flobberworm parts, so walking over he picked it up and placed it onto the scarabs. Ricco was hoping that this would work so alligning the bucket over the scarabs he pressed as hard as he could onto them. For a few seconds what sounded like shrills of pain emitted from the bucket into the still dusty dungeon. Knowing that pressing down wasnt going to be enough he bagan to move the bucket in circles aswell as pressing down in hopes that it would help.
Ricco was still crushing 10 minutes later after checking several times to see that the powder was not fine enough. Lifting it up once more he looked down to see that there was what looked like a fine powder so wanting to check if it wwas he shook the bucket and sure enough the tiny bits of what looked like dust moved around the bucket.
Happy that he had finished he lifted everything onto the clean table and watched as the murtlap pick;ed. Ricco was hoping that the professor was kind as he wanted to sign up for Quidditch so deciding that he was going to ask if he could sign up he lay against the work bench.
"I was a born troublemaker and might as well earn a living at it."  Fan Clubs ______________ Bonnie ______________ Level 6 |