Melly Bean | aussiegirl | a Supernatural freak
"Lawson" he answered with amusement at the boys smart mouths. Marcus flicked his wand and accio'd the boys wands and pocketed them. "Why don't you two take a seat? In fact I insist" another flick of his wand and the Irial and Aries were on their butts, on the floor.
"Let's have some fun shall we" he strode towards the two and with another flourish of his wand saw the two boys being chained together. Marcus pulled a lock out of his pocket and hooked it onto the chains and then stood back. "You've got an hour to work out the combination and free yourself. If not then I let the critters out." He turned on his heel and headed out the door.
ooc: clue, how much did Ron owe his brothers in WWW? (HBP)
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