Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat
Reese bit her lower lip, trying to find the right words to say. It was hard seeing a friend cry, but Anna was more than a friend- she was a companion. They were the kind of people who grow separately, but never grow apart. So, seeing Anna cry just made her want to cry. When Anna collapsed herself into Reese, she wrapped her hands around her friend and rested her head upon Anna's head. They were probably drawing a lot of eyes right now, but she didn't quite care at the moment.
"Anna..." She trailed off, hoping her she was listening to her, "You can't go home and leave me here. Cale's already left- I can't have you leave this early," She didn't like to think that Anna was a seventh year and she would not be coming back after next summer. That next year she wasn't going to have her Anna to tell all her girl problems to. What would she do? Whitney still wouldn't there and Lima left. Geez, everyone was leaving her. One person at a time.
She looked up at Jack, who was sitting on the bench further down from her and Anna. Ahhhh- he was a good little boy. Did as he was told. All boy should be like that, but noooo, but most were born without a brain and didn't comprehend the word obey or any other word like that. "I think- I think it's best if we leave now. Before we start drawing eyes," she whispered to Anna. "Wanna just head out to the corridor?" Where you can properly cry without people staring at you... She still didn't want Anna to cry, but if it made Anna feel better to get all her tears and emotions out, well then, Reese was all for it. Nevermind, she wasn't going to wait for Anna to reply. She was just going to drag her out before anybody started staring at them. That's something she hated, people just looking at you. She let go of her friend and took her by the hand and dragged her out of the Great Hall and into the Entrance Hall, where it was safe and quiet.
Anna was aware that Reese was talking to her, but she didn't dare look up just yet. She felt so weak and so fragile, like everything had crumbled down on her all at once and left her with no strength at all. It was only after Reese had drug her out into the Entrance Hall, that Anna finally glanced up and started to speak. "I...I just want to go owl Cale soon, Reese. I think I'll feel better once I talk to him...even if it's just in a letter," she said, reaching up to dry her tears. "Everything was so easy when he was around. Sure, we had our ups and downs, but I knew that when he was around, I always had somebody nearby to keep me safe and secure from anything and everything. I guess I never realized how very much I relied on him." Anna dried the rest of her tears and took a few deep breaths.
"Oh, Reese. I'm so sorry. You must think I'm a mess right now. No telling what the rest of Gryffindor, and anyone else who may have seen me cry, thinks right about now," she continued. "I'm not really sure what triggered this either. I was fine one moment, then when that Jack kid started in on me, I just crumbled. I'm the Head Girl, though. I have to be strong. I'm not allowed to cry, am I?" Anna really hoped none of the professors had seen her in such a state. They'd probably won't to snatch her badge right off her chest and give it to someone else...someone who wouldn't cry so easily. That was just it, though. Anna normally didn't cry so easily. She needed to get herself together. She walked a few steps down the hallway, taking deep breaths as she strolled along. "I'm okay, really. I'm okay..."