Originally Posted by
moonyroxs Melanie glanced up, thrilled to be addressed...by anyone. She'd been getting a bit bored there, for a few seconds. The second year's eyes widened slightly as she realized how old the other girl, probably was. And taller...
Scary. She seemed nice enough though and she was a Hufflepuff which meant she, like, had to be nice by default, right?
"Hi!" she replied in a tone much quieter than the one she normally used. "It's Melanie." she answered, giving her a small smile as she extended a slender hand for Tazmin to shake.
That wasn't all though...Nooooo, the girl just had to go and say that. "No." she replied promptly trying not to sound to hostile. "I'm twelve, a second year for your information." she added matter-o-factually.
Geez the people just couldn't be consistent?! First the boy in Diagon Alley informed her she was going to knock over Gringotts and next she was mistaken for a first year... Humph. Melanie felt herself take on a rather irritated look, unable to help herself.
Natasha came over to the Hufflepuff table, looking for a certain someone, and smiled when she saw Melanie.
"Hey Melanie, mind if I sit here?" She asked her with a grin.
Then Nat spotted that Melanie was talking to Tammy!
"Hey Tamzin," she said happily.