Originally Posted by
Monkey Princess
William sat down glaring at the wall and anything around him. Anyone who would dare speak to him would get a blast of the good old Cullack temper - which was not a good thing. His blue eyes furrowed as he glared down at his plate, spearing a potatoe on his fork and taking a bite.
Leave it to him to loose his favorite hat before term started he thought slouching. Oh yeah, that and the fact he couldn't remember when he lost it didn't help. "Grrr." he grumbled through a mouthful of food, swallowing it quickly to grab a goblet full of pumpkin juice. Food helped, it always helped. It was his only friend, besides Katie. here was she anyway he wondered, glancing up towards the Hufflepuff tabel his eyes searching her out.
"Pick a fight with someone your own size," Paris giggled as she stood next to William. He seemed to be trying to kill everything on his plate. He seemed upset about something and she needed the distraction so she went and sat next to him.
"Want to talk about it?" She asked.