Kaplinski Rival Sorting Hat Machine "Well, you being so ignorant to her feelings, for a start." he said, once again pulling himself from the mans grip, in a would-be dignified manner. "What kind of a man ponces off to teach when he knows fully well that the woman he's been sleeping with, my sister..." he added, a little less than quietly, "....is devastated because he couldn't keep his hands to himself. You didn't need to kill one of the Dark Lord's servant, but you did and Lord knows what you-know-who is going to think of that, but that's beside the point. You've put her through this..." he said, as they got to the door..."...you sort it!"
He then left the man standing there, knowing that he intended to try and find Kristi and stop her in her tracks before she had a chance to see this scene, that could possibly upset her, unravel before her eyes.
He spied her just outside of the library and he was happy to see that she was still clutching at the daisies he had given her. He noted she had various books in her hands and, as her back was turned, he waved his wand and magicked them into his arms, with a gentle smile upon his face. "Allow me, m'lady." |