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"ahhh. You're one of those rare people that start with an M. Sorry I can't remember the name. I'm one of them too but just my eyes change color. It's nice to meet you." smlied Jule.
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"Well, my parents were both Ravvies, although my older brother was a Gryffindor... But I was definitely hoping to be sorted into Ravenclaw. And I was! And I'm terribly excited for the school year."
"My eyes change colors too. I can do it on purpose, but sometimes when I get emotional, or angry, or nervous, or embarrassed, or something like that they just change on their own. I'm working on it. I can make other things change like my lips and such but I'm so afraid that they'll get stuck that way and how weird would I look with huge lips." She laughed at the thought of that image.
"It's great to meet you also! I'm starving! I'm hoping we get seafood! What do you think the Headmaster will talk about?" Satine could tell she was talking entirely too much so she left all of her questions there.
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"I got sorted into Ravenclaw!" Kel repeated, sounding proud. Schyea, it was awesome! He had to go write to his parents right away!...haha, yeah right. But...he didn't want to think about his parents at a time like this, unless it was imagining their faces when they found out what house their only son had been put in.
"Which is a good thing, too. Because I know about a million Ravenclaw, and only one Slytherin. I need more friends." Aaaaaaaaand...that was a big thing for him to say, too. Because he hated to admit things like that. Calm down, dude, he told himself, shaking his head. But he couldn't. He was seriously really happy.
Satine looked over and saw a familiar face from the Food Trolley. Trying not to interrupt any conversations, she waiting for a brief break and then said quickly.
"Kel, what a small world! We were both sorted into Ravenclaw! How excited! Welcome to be a Ravvie! We'll have to catch up later" She smiled and then turned back to her conversation with the other first years and let Kel return to his.
She could tell this was a great start to the year for both of them.