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Old 05-17-2009, 06:40 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
isabella Macmillan
Sixth Year
Default is today's post...

A Bad Start...

The next day Ginny walked through the Three Broomsticks and saw Madam Rosmerta at the counter
“hello dear”
“hello Madam Rosmerta. How come you are at the counter today?”
“well Sara is not well she said, so I am here. Anyway it is good for my mind to do a bit of accounting it will keep me alert,” said Rosmerta
“sure it will,” said Ginny looking around
“do you want to meet her?”
“Sara?” asked Rosmerta
“if she doesn’t have problems meeting strangers,” said Ginny
“oh no, no, not at all. She will be fine with it,” said Rosmerta and led her to the exit and told her to follow the staircase.
Ginny followed the staircase which led her into an apartment. The apartment was fully furnished with nice rug carpet, cozy couch near the fire place, a huge window with green curtains a mini bar of sorts at one corner. Ginny shook her head at Madam Rosmerta’s fascination for drinks, not that Rosmerta drank regularly but just that she loved it so much that she had a mini bar in her apartment also. The hallway then divided into 3 rooms one went to the kitchen and two other rooms. Ginny peeped into one room to find no one and she assumed that to be Rosmerta’s room. She went to the next one. She opened the door and found a single bed in the middle of the room with a dressing table at one side and to the other side was a desk and chair. She gazed around and found Sara sitting there on the window sill with her back against the wall and head leaning on the wall as if she was looking up and her eyes closed. Ginny thought she was sleeping but no, she wasn’t, nor was she crying but just sitting there as if she was thinking about some thing.
Sara opened her eyes and looked around to see who called and then she found that red headed beautiful girl who was standing next to Harry yesterday standing in her room. She didn’t understand why this girl came up to the apartment.
“um…hi,” said Sara getting up from her seat and walking towards her
“I am Ginny”
“Ginny…Gorge told me about you. Good, nice to meet you. I am Sara. Come have a seat,” said Sara and showed her towards the chair and she made herself comfortable on the bed.
“is there anything I can do for you?” asked Sara
“um…no…no I just came to meet you, you know my brothers both Gorge and Bill have talked about you so I thought I would like to see you”
They sat silently for sometime. Both of them knew it was pretty awkward for Ginny to come by and suddenly talk to Sara.
“um…this is ridiculous,” said Ginny giving up
“yeah…,” said Sara at how awkward they both were behaving
“I wasn’t even like that when I first met Harry...well i ran off...when he came to live with us in his 2nd year...that is another matter,” she said
“yeah?” said Sara smirking.
“yeah I was lot better. Anyways you were looking a bit”
“tired,” Sara cut her off.
“oh alright”
“so is it true that you came in search of your friend and he declined to go back with you?” asked Ginny
Sara snapped her head in her direction watched her for sometime and then slowly nodded. “so this is what she came to ask. Even she wants to know what is going around me”
“I presume Madam Rosmerta would have told you this”
“um no I…I got to know from my mum and Gorge”
“so what are you thinking of doing right now?”
“why? hasn’t Gorge or your mum told by Madam Rosmerta that I was planning to leave Three Broomsticks for good,” said Sara icily
Ginny flinched
“I am…I am sorry if I have hurt you. I didn’t mean to interfere in your”
“that’s what you guys are doing!” said Sara and getting up from her bed and moving across the room in two strides and reached the window and stood there indicating that she didn’t want to talk any more. Ginny immediately got up form there and left the apartment without a word.

it was short...i know...anyways have a nice day and please feel free to comment and give suggestions...

Last edited by harita; 04-09-2010 at 04:07 AM. Reason: Some Changes Made
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