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Jessica94ear Iris looked at Mystic, 'oops, I think I insulted her... somehow' she thought. " I dunno... maybe it would matter where you found it... you know - It would help us find more background information about the potion!" she said quitely, "of course I would want to help Aaron! He's practically my best friend!" she said, getting annoyed, 'damn,' she thought 'I didn't mean to say thay' None of the people in the compartment knew she didn't have many friends at home.
"Well let us see if I can find it." Mystic said as she when over to the two small enchanted trunks. She unbuckled them and took the smaller on of the the that looked like it can only hold a cauldron and a few school books. When she opened it you can see it is big enough to hold all her school supplies. She took out an old black note book with the name of Draca Xander Blackbourne on it in Green writing. She stared to look though it.
Oh, here it is. She showed everone.
"Anyone want to write it down?" She asked.