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Opening one eye slightly, he looked at Kiri. It already looked like he'd made her uncomfortable. Her arms were all awkward. Taking one of her hands, he moved her arm from its position of oddness and set it across his chest.
"I'm already making you uncomfortable," he said pitifully. "Don't sit all awkward. Put your arms wherever you like, it won't bother me. I'm the one laying on you, after all." He smiled up at her and closed his eye, a breath leaving him in a sigh. "If you're uncomfortable, tell me, Kiri."
He suddenly wasn't quite as sleepy as he had been before... which was odd, because he'd been about to fall asleep just a moment ago.
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"ooh...that is good," Vanessa smiled with a nod. It was good that the students were looking forward to coming back to school. Although she herself was feleing a little sad about it. She was now entering her final term. It would be weird this time next year not boarding the train to hogwarts, and not going to Hogwarts. At least she was going through it with Miles, and she wasn't going to be alone.
"I'm kind of half and half." Vannie mused, frowning a little. "It's my last term...but It should be good...considering Im a prefect now and all." She shrugged, cutting off, and thinking about it to herself. It should be a good year, she at least hoped anyway.
Kiri barely registered Shana getting up and sliding the door open - Raiden had grabbed her arm and guided it to his chest before she could say or do anything. She was dimly aware that this was indeed more comfortable, but a whole new set of tingling feelings that seemed to set her entire body on fire occupied most of her attention. It made her acutely aware of what her hand could feel. Raiden's warmth, his chest going up and down with every breath, and...
Was that his heartbeat?!
Speaking had suddenly become very difficult. "Mmm no, I'm comfortable, Raiden," was all she managed to say, in a low murmur. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes.
No need to look at him now, she thought, as she listened to Vanessa talk about what would be for her the last year at Hogwarts.