Join Date: Oct 2003
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| ♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Quote:
Originally Posted by RaRaRachieee "I'm sure Rai" Vanessa smiled, she didn't really want to intrude on Kiri and Raiden, because they looked so cute. Not that she would say that to them, because she knew that she didn't like people calling her cute really. "Maybe later." She nodded, when he was feeling better, and then they could have a proper talk.
"She will like you." She nodded, with a smile. "You don't think I'm with Miles because I don't like him do you." She giggled, with a smile. The smile was more because of the thought of Miles really.
"You should ask him." She nodded, although she didn't know him, but he'd want to help Raiden surely.
Listening to Kiri, Vanessa smiled, noticing that she was blushing. It kind of reminded her of herself, she blushed a lot. "It might help Rai." She nodded, smiling at the both of them. It was another cute thing to. "And if Kiri does get uncomfortable I can switch places with her." Quote:
Originally Posted by Antarctica! Kiri was pretty sure that she wouldn't want to get up in that situation (and she'd been to the loo before boarding the train), but she didn't say so. Instead, she just shook her head and said: "No, it's fine." Where whould she go anyway? No better place to be than here. "And it has to be better than leaning against the seat, right?"
She smoothed out her robes, not daring to look at him. "Give it, umm, a try."
It was Madame Malkin's all over again! Vanessa had the same knowing look in her eye, just like the shopkeeper. And she and Raiden were openly discussing his... allergies, and sweethearts, and...
There was certainly a lot to think about. Did Raiden give her... a hint or something when he said, I hope my sweetheart likes me. And I hope she realizes she's my sweetheart, because I dunno if I will. Or was he just thinking aloud because he didn't think Kiri would be a possible candidate for that? She didn't know. All this... thisness was so confusing!
And how could Nicholai Toussant help him? Kiri had never exchanged more than a few words with him, but he was well-known. He'd be another one of those people to figure the situation out immediately. He'd smirk. Raiden smiled. "Of course you like Miles. He must be a good guy if you like him, Vannie Corbette." He nodded in agreement with himself. "You don't like mean people, or bad people. You're too nice for that."
They both seemed to be insisting on him laying down... If it would help, and Kiri didn't mind, really then, what harm could it do? Hopefully his girl allergies wouldn't act up. He was already sick, what more could he take, after all...
"As long as you don't mind," he said softly, shrugging. Turning on the seat, he laid down on his back, setting his head carefully in her lap. She was skinny, he didn't want his head to bruise her legs or something, after all. "Are you sure it's okay? I can get up, if I bother you at all."
Maybe. Maybe he could get up. He was awfully sleepy now, they might have to shake him a bit if he fell asleep. Stretching one arm up, he put it across his forehead to block the light from his eyes as the other crossed over his stomach.
"You'd better tell me if I start bothering you," he said sleepily. "I'll feel bad if you don't." |