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Dru looked confused at what Irial was saying. Why should she be noticed? And why did this boy suddenly look so pleased with himself?
She looked at him blankly as he seemed to drift off into his own little world. She continued to stare at him until he properly looked at her and smiled faintly, which she returned with a wide one of her own.
"I know why you have that problem," she told him in a cheeky yet slightly authoritive manner. "It's cause everyone thinks you're gonna eat them!"
Irial blinked at Dru and her cheekiness. "What?" he exclaimed, startled. "I highly doubt that!" It was an interesting theory, no doubt. But one that was definitely far from the truth. He liked to stay in the shadows, that's why no one spoke to him. He wasn't one for crowds, and liked one on one with certain people.
Now this girl, for example. Something in him sensed she could do great things. He didn't tell her this, but he thought as much.
Shifting his weight to the other foot, he studied the young girl. She was younger than him, yes, but there was something about her that destined greatness. Or at least something higher than this school for Muggles who liked to play with sticks and perform magic tricks.