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Old 05-16-2009, 10:33 PM   #101 (permalink)
Sneakeh Cat

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Default Lissy and imaginarynumb3rs :)
Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...

Reese shook her head when Jack asked if she was excited for the OWLs. Who could be excited about the OWLs? There probably wasn't one student out there that was so excited about taking their OWLs. Reese was scared of them. What if she failed every subject? How would she get into a good department in the Ministry? The Department Heads look at your grades for the OWLs and NEWTs. But, luckily, she didn't have to worry about the NEWTs for another 2 years. "I've never been excited about taking the OWLs. I'm like terrified that I'll fail them," she told Jack, "I'll tell you the truth, and that is that I'm not the smartest person in the world. I'm the person that struggles on their homework and barely passes the classes each term." Well, at least she can say she tries her best, right? She took her eyes of Jack and looked down at her feet for a few moments, then asked, "are you ready for your OWLs?" She looked back up at him, waiting for him to answer.

Reese grinned. "Jack, I don't know what NASA is. If that's believable or not," she confessed. Maybe NASA wasn't a big thing, so it was okay for her not to know what it is. "But, like you said, I would think traveling to space would be pretty cool," she said. "Awww. Well, maybe one day you can get a job where you can travel to space."

Reese nodded her head and gave Jack a little smile when he questioned her about his laugh. "I do think you're laugh is lovely. The snorting and everything- and, yeah, I'll just be quiet now," she told him, the closed her mouth.

"Then, tryout for Chaser. I would come to the game and cheer you on," Reese said. She looked at Jack when he said she should try-out for the team. Haha- no. She loved Quidditch, but truthfully, she sucked at playing. She could do little games of it in the backyard or something, but when it came to playing it on a house team, she would be a sorry excuse for a player. "It would be fun playing against someone you knew- but, I'm sorry. I'm not the type of person who plays Quidditch on the house team. I wasn't good at tryouts, when I did try out. I guess, it's just no my thing," she told him, "My hobby is more of playing music. I think I'd choose music over playing Quidditch, if I had the choice. I mean- I'm not, like, dissing Quidditch or anything, because I love the sport, but I just don't think I'd make a good player."

Finally shutting up at the whole Quidditch thing, Reese turned back over to Wesley, who was literally scared out of her mind. Why else would someone stutter? Unless, they were cold or something. To be truthful, it was kind of chilly in the compartment, maybe she should have been smart like Jack and brought a blanket with her. "So, Wesley-" She was about to ask the girl if she was cold or something, but Jack spoke up and asked if she was excited for school. Letting them chat, she leaned back in her seat.

_______________________________You may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye.

Last edited by Sneakeh Cat; 05-16-2009 at 10:49 PM.
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