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Cy was still laughing, he had fully expected to have Katie issue that noise but this was almost just as good… as long as he didn’t get caught.
“Yea’ yea’, suree.” His brown eyes eyed her expectantly, as if he saw her guilty. The bombshell quickly tried to blame it on someone else, and Cy figured it would be in his best interest to turn the attention to someone else as well.
She pointed at a guy, who was now questioning her. The girls face had gone a nasty shade of scarlet. “GROSS MATE!” Cyrus roared at the older boy. “Yah’ mum nevah’ teach yah not tah pass gas in front of a girl?” The Aussie shook his head disapprovingly, but he was unsettlingly smug on the inside.
Cyrus Paul Andrus considered himself a genius. Especially now.
Okay! This kid was making too big of a deal and going with the flow...Hmmmm...
Check: Just what she needed in case of emergency! The kid had talent...special talent at that!
"Lyra Noir," she extended her hand in a dainty approach towards the little fella, who obviously was not from around here. This could be her answer to all answers. "And I know this cute fella has a name?" Charm! She had to butter him up...in case she needed him for...anything. Her green eyes watched him as her face was now sporting a mischievous glance is his direction.