Chapter 18- A Season for Goodbye
It was the end of term, and everyone was parting ways. Draco was going home to no sister, no father, and a mother who cried all the time. Becky and Cho were both going home feeling exhausted from all that had happened and to parents who didn’t really know everything they had been through that year. There was a lot of healing that needed to be done. Next year would be their sixth year and who knew what was in store for them. And so they all said goodbye, and were reminded of the last time they had said goodbye. That goodbye had been forever. The three of them hugged and then slowly went off their separate ways. The End
The sequel is called "A New Beginning" the chapters are a bit longer, but i've only written 3 chapters and that took me a long time, so it could be a while before I put it up because I always seem to get writers block, plus I have semester tests coming up and I have to study for those. I hope you like this fanfic and thanks once again for all your nice comments!