Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door Evangeline knew she was a bit late. And honestly - she didn't quite care. After spending the entire summer away from her parents, they had wanted a more serious and longer goodbye - which had caused her to almost miss the train. Not to mention that she had decided to change onto her school robes when she got on the train.
Anything to delay the moment the moment she'd enter that compartment.
Ugh. It was all very simple. If Clifford was the Head Boy, there was only one option for Head Girl. And Evangeline could not deal with that. She wasn't proud, she wasn't glad, but she couldn't help but to feel that badge was completely wrong for the bossy Gryffindor.
Yeeeah, she was sore.
Pushing the door open, Evangeline Green stepped into the small compartment, and looked around. Oooh. It seemed she wasn't that late, then. "Oh, hiii!" Allowing her rosy lips to curl into a smile, Evangeline walked towards her boyfriend and took a seat beside him. Smiling a bit wider at him than to the other Prefects, she looked around once more, recognising some of the Prefects there. Wait ... "Vans? You're a Prefect too? Congrats!" What she had heard about Kayla leaving was true then.
Speaking of leaving, Newell wasnt there either. MWAHAHA! The thought alone was able to put a small smug smile on her lips and she looked at Clifford. "So, when is this meeting starting?" She had better things to do. |