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"Mostly friendly." Cela agreed, "If you are nice to people and say hi and smile and... there! You are doing just fine!" She winked at him. "I'm Celandine. Call me Cela though on account of my name is a little long if you need to get my attention in a hurry. And Livvy and I are both in Ravenclaw." Cela totally wanted to blurt that Ravenclaw had won the house cup AND the quidditch cup the previous term but she just offered another friendly smile and gave her dress another tug.
"Apart from the chick," Cela grinned, "I got a tarantula and a hissing cockroach too!" Teehee. Daphne would FLIP. She tugged on her dress again and popped a piece of candy in her mouth. She was still cradling the unopened butterbeer to her chest.
Livvy glanced over at Cela who kept tugging on her dress. Eep. That dress was evil. She was very convinced it was out to get every girl and force them to wear it. Baadddd dressss baaaddd.
"I'm Olivia. Or Livvy," Livvy said to the boy, still staring at the evil dress. Colorful. It was a disguise.
"Oooh! Oooh! Did you name the chick yet? You did? A tarantuala and a hissing cockroach?" Livvy asked, her jaw dropping as she pulled at her butterbeer and pop! went the lid. Yes! She did it! Livvy took a sip and hmm... what a enjoyable sensation.
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After having left her trunk at the lugagge car, Willow had immediatly changed into her school robes, pinned her captain badge on them, and went to take a stroll around the train, and very possibly finding an empty compartment that she would quickly claim as hers and not share it with anyone, for she did not wish to be bothered. And all that would have most likely happened if Willow's stomach had not decided to ask her for food - which was why she had gone to the Food Trolley.
Granted, sweets were not exactly healthy, but after having spent her entire summer with her father and all his lectures about eating healthy and forbidding junk food around the house, and how he was only doing this for her own good as she was still growing up (Willow had to fake a cough at this point, in order to hide the snort that had attempted to come out, for she had not grown an inch since she was thirteen), the now sixth year was ready to eat whatever she wanted.
"I'd like to have four chocolate frogs three cauldron cakes, two sugar quills and acid pops," said the girl as soon as she reached the trolley, and ignoring that there were people in line - she wanted her sweets now, after all, and patience was a word that was not part of her dictionary.
As she waited to be attended, Willow finally scanned the area and realized that Olivia and Celandine were there with some other boy she was not familiar with. Of course Celandine Toussaint would be there - the candy had probably been calling her since the second she set a foot on the train. "Hello, Olivia and Celandine," mused the girl as she nodded politely at the two of them. Flicking a strand of hair she'd been playing with to the back, Willow's forest green eyes focused on the unknown boy for a moment, before turning to the snack lady and back to the younger girls.
Livvy looked up at the sound of her name and smiled at her captain. The all mighty Willow Kovac. Bone crusher! MUAHAHA. If only everyone knew what went on in her hand. Manical laughter everywhere and random outbursts. Hmm... that'd be interesting.
"Why hello Willow. Great seeing you again. How was your summer?" Livvy asked, politely. Willow was a nice girl. Interesting. Though she really didn't care whether or not the bludger hit you... but whatever. She was tough! Which was pretty much why she was Quidditch Captain. They didn't just give it to anyone. No wimpy peeps.
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Crazy Nate
Livvy and Cela. NAte nodded at them and thier ... friendliness. He laughed shaking his head. "Im not much of a friendly guy .. well.. im nt as friendly as yall but im Nathan but most people call me Nate." he said giving them another smile.
"Nice to meetcha Nate. I'm sure we'll all be able to change that," Livvy said grinning and gave the boy a little wink. For some reason, she found herself winking a lot. Though it was always her left eyelid. Her right eyelid couldn't quite do it as well as the left. Plus the left was just faster.
Livvy soon found herself blinking both eyelids, trying to see which one was fastest. Crazy. Sensible she would say.