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Old 05-16-2009, 03:27 AM   #117 (permalink)
Crazy Nate
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Yorktown
Posts: 349

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Demetri Werner
Fourth Year

Originally Posted by Riverlynn View Post
Lasca cocked an eyebrow. Well this was interesting. She certainly hadn't planned on intervening, it had just sort of happened. His laugh caught her off guard slightly, regaining her wits she smiled slyly.

"Well if you can't play nice, then maybe a little politeness would work?" She really didn't want anyone to get into a fight especially as the year hadn't even started. Maybe diverting his attention would work.

"I haven't seen you around, are you new?" Dipping into a graceful curtsy, her hair slid down her shoulder, and then she straightened up. "Lasca Romanov, pleasure to make your aquaintance. Your are?"
Nates eye flashed bck to her as she continued standing there. Polite? Nate be poite? When had someone he loved ever been polite to him? He gave her another brief smile. "Sure sure." he said briefly before turning to the window.

He thought she had left. but she hadnt. she had taken the liberty of sitting down and introudcing herself. Why did she act like she cared? they didnt know each other. This curious expression made him wonder as he looked back at her.

"Yeah im new. Moved from America." Pleasure to make your aquantance? Did people still say that? "Um.. yeah nice to meet you too. Im Nathan but people call me Nate." he said giving her a smile. He should at least show some politness to her since sh was being nice to him.
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