Originally Posted by
Tomasina Riddle
She looked at the girl trying to remember her from the games, but she couldn't. Oh wait they didn't play Ravenclaw anyways last term. "Thats nice Mariel, I'm the Slytherin seeker." She said proudly. "My whole family has been seeker, since we are all so tiny." It was natural that they would be seekers. The tallest Riddle was like 5 ft 2 inches tall and that was saying something. Paris' mother wasn't even 5 ft tall. "I'm hoping to find another seeker though so I can go back to chasing."
"Well thats good. I look forward to you cheering me on then." She smiled. "Oh I think me and Steven are going to go get something, but thank you." She said. It was totally sweet of him to offer her anything...
...It was almost bigger than Paris head, and it was certainly bigger than Paris quidditch badge, but that was ok. Paris was going after that Head Girl badge anyways. "Well you are welcomed to sit here if you want." She giggled. She didn't mind Anna having to be a head girl on her. She was never mean about it, and thats what counted. "We were just leaving." She said standing up off Steven's lap.
Oh and now it seemed that Paris and her boyfriend were leaving. Maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to head out just yet. If she thought it was crowded in here, it wouldn't probably be worse at the food trolley if everyone was headed that way. Mariel sat back down.
But Paris had said something ealier that kinda stuck in her head for a moment. Didn't she say her name was Greenwood? Why did that sound familiar? "Yeah, Seeker's fun," she agreed, "But it's certainly a position under a lot of pressure. I think I'd rather play Chaser too..." Oh! "Are you related to Lucas Greenwood?" she asked from her seat, recognition dawning.