Originally Posted by
dan arjay
Daniel was nosing around the compartments. He was bored and was longing for the cozy meal at the Castle. Although he had spent his summer alone in his Manor (technically it is his already), he had a strange longing for it. Maybe it is just because he is hungry that is remembers his house elves.
Just at that he arrived at the back of the Train where he loves to hang around. He then saw some familiar faces having what it seems to be a hearty conversations. He wanted to approach them but is shy of rejection for they are higher years than he is.
But with gathered guts, he approached Anna, "Hello Anna."he said waving at her. "God how I miss your mom's ice cream." he then smiled.
He also noticed Chris Kaplan, a fellow Gryffindor, he waved at him and gave a smiled. And there was also Paris who had been of great help at him especially with muggle studies. "Hello Paris. I heard you are now the Quidditch Captain of Slytherin." he commented. "Be easy on the Lions" he said satirically.
He also waved at the others, Becca, Copernicus, and to others he is not familiar with.
Anna continued to watch Cam's lemurs until she was suddenly aware of someone calling out to her from out in the corridors. Turning around and looking out the compartment door, Anna saw Daniel, one of her friends and fellow Gryffindors. He looked a bit shy or nervous, although for what Anna couldn't imagine. Maybe he was just a little nervous to talk to the ones he really didn't know so well. Anna smiled and waved hello. "Hey, Daniel! Good to see you again!" In the blink of an eye, though, Daniel had already wandered to a new compartment and was talking to a few other friends. Since he seemed to be involved in a different compartment now, Anna turned back to the girl she'd spoken to a few minutes ago.
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"Oh!" Simone said, being slightly startled from another, older girl speaking to her. She blushed quite a bit before answering the other girl. "Um...Bummer, because...well...I dont...know anyone." Well except for Cela. She smiled still blushing a bit. Blushing was a habit for her. Anytime she met a new person it was like she froze up and turned into a tomato. Yep. Thats what she was ...a frozen tomato. "Simone, Simone Morgan. I am a fourth year." 'Or will be', she thought to herself. "Um, yes, actually I am a new student. I am transfering from Beauxbaton's." Though she had to think up a reason for her to be transfering other then her Aunt.
She was slightly confused at the moment thought. All the older girls at Beauxbaton's ignored, and pretended they were to good for the younger ones. Though Simone was never like that. She tried to help out everyone. Maybe that's why she had so many friends there? "I dont have any place to sit...do you mind if i join you?" She asked with another huge blush. WHY couldnt she control that?!
As soon as Anna's eyes fell upon the girl, she raised her eyebrows, still awaiting the answer to the question she'd asked before. "Oh, well, you know me now. I won't bite. I promise," Anna said with a laugh. She took in the way the girl seemed to blush after everything she said. It must be so uncomfortable being the new kid at school. Sometimes, Anna could remember the horrors of being the new kid, but other times, it felt as if she'd been at Hogwarts for ages and there never had been a time when she felt as if she didn't know a soul. She knew that wasn't true, though. She remembered enough to know that it was no fun at all feeling as if you were all alone with no one to sit with, talk with, or laugh with.
"Well it's good to meet you, Simone. Morgan...that's an interesting last name. There's a Professor Morgan at Hogwarts. You'll like her, too. She's really nice," Anna replied. She nodded her head in a direction that invited Simone to come inside the compartment. "Of course you can. The more the merrier," she said. Nodding first at Cam, then at Katie, she said, "This is Cam...and this is Katie. Cam and Katie, meet Simone."
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Finally making her way to the train, Lyra stepped on for her last and final year at Hogwarts. This was it...and then "they" would consider her an adult...whoever "they" were.
SCARY! I know!
She passed different students looking for at least someone she knew who was safe to talk too and not just...weird...or annoying was a better word for it. Christian had said she had changed and she was changing back to the old Lyra. No more Ms. Nice Girlie! From here on out, she would tell it like it was or just get in your face and walk off...
"Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Hold on just a moment," Anna said to those in her compartment. She jumped up off her seat and ran to the door of the compartment. "Lyra Noir! Don't tell me you are going to strut your stuff right on past this compartment!" Anna jokingly called out. Lyra Noir was one of her very best friends. She was the type of friend that Anna could imagine herself having until she was old and gray. Lyra would be the one to one day be her bridesmaid, then after that, she'd be the godparent to Anna's future children. Yes indeed, Lyra was that one special best friend forever. "Where ya heading? Too busy to come in and take a seat?"
Originally Posted by
D.A Forever
Relax, right. Katie could do that, sure she could. Over her little stumble atleast, in a few hours the incident would hold no embarrasment in her mind at all; Kaitlynnh knew she was far more graceful than she had proven to be moments before, she just hadn't been paying attention. For now, around Anna, she could relax. Until she went to sit with the boys. Or Cy atleast; Katie was assuming the other boys would be there too. "Thanks," Yes, Anna was very nice. Katie could get use to her, "So you're Head Girl, that means you're a seventh year?"
Looking curiously up at the older girl, Katie began to wonder if she was wrong. Didn't she know Sam? She was so sure! - A small smile tugged at her lips, brightening her previously fallen expression by alot. Anna had figured it out exactily. The small girl nodded, dark curls bouncing around her face and shoulders. "Yes, Gryffindor Sam and yes, I was there too. Sammy's my cousin." Stating this matter-of-factly, she shifted her bunny - Nova, - in her arms. Her head tilting to the side ever so slightly, "Nope, we didn't! Summer's chaotic." Katie agreed, though in her mind she was thinking the same thing about her family. In a fond way, of course.
Turning her attention back to Anna, Katie shrugged her shoulders. "Sorry 'bout him. That was Cyrus Andrus; he was in Greece too." Somewhere off in the distance, although the train was loud with chatter, the eleven year old was sure she could hear Mat's voice. That was two of the boys now, but where was the third of the troublesome trio? "Can I ask you somethin? Have you seen a boy.. about-" she raised her right hand, about two or so inches above her own head, "-that tall, really short blonde hair, green eyes.. probably had a pair of goggles around his neck? If you know who Alexis Chosen is, he looks similar to her." Katie finished, uncertain that her description would help.
"Not a problem. Yup, I'm Head Girl...and a seventh year," Anna replied. "So while you're busy doing everything for the
first time this year, I'll be busy doing everything for the
last time." Anna surprised herself by how well she could state that without bursting into tears. She was rather excited to start her adult life. She had a wedding planned for next summer, and she even already had a job lined up! There was nothing about her post-Hogwarts life that seemed depressing.
"Oh, yeah, that's the same Sammy then. So, see, we're not total strangers," Anna said with a smile. Poor Katie still seemed so shy and nervous, though. Were all first years like this? So far, the ones Anna had encountered had been. "Cyrus Andrus, huh? Must be another first year, as I don't think I know him either," she remarked. Anna listened as Katie described another one of her friends. Anna didn't seem to know this one either. Nor had she seen him around the train. "Nope, I don't think so. If I see someone fitting that description, though. I'll send him your way. Is that your boyfriend, or something?"